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Love is Not Self-Seeking

May 31, 2020

Series: Love Is

Topic: Love


Don’t forget the selfless love that Jesus showed you – without excuses. And then show that same love to others – without excuses.

Selfless love doesn’t make excuses.

Pastor and author Emerson Eggerichs talks about motivation. If you were paid $1 million dollars not be selfish during the rest of COVID-19, you’d probably be able to do it.  It is possible.

The truth is, we wonder if it’s worth it. Is it worth it to go first? Is it worth it to take the risk of putting others first not being self-seeking, truly loving them when it might not come back to you?

If your motivation is what may or not come back to you, that’s not going to be enough. People are human. We always make mistakes. You can’t control other people.

But if your motivation is Jesus. If that’s where you establish your identity – as a child of God. As a child of the king. And if you are motivated by what he did for you and then live your life as a response… That’s where you can find strength. That’s where you can find joy.

Do you trust Jesus to take care of you – cast all your burdens on him because he cares for you…

“Jesus, if I really try this love is not self-seeking thing and I give all my excuses to you – will you take care of me? Will you give me the strength to do it?”

What are your excuses? What stops you from loving without being self-seeking?