March 27, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Lent
SERMON NOTESSERMON GUIDESERMON GUIDE JK-GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ For as long as there have been people, there have been questions about suffering. Why does it happen? Why does God... read more
March 20, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Lent
Unity is being like-minded around the person of Jesus and his command to love one another.
March 13, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Keegan Kalideen
Topic: Lent
When the going gets tough and you face the resistance of unbelief and suffering, remember that you were once on the other side and that Jesus calls you to do for others what He did for you.
March 6, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Lent
Like the early Christ-followers we are just as stretched, living in the midst of uncertainty, apprehensive and anxious about what lies ahead, and our faith is being tested in every which way on a daily basis.
February 27, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Lent
What comes to mind when you think of holiness?
February 20, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Lent
Hope is crucial in a world that is marked by suffering.