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Discipleship Pathway

May 29, 2022

Series: Distinct

Topic: Vision

One of the study Bibles I read said that disciple was the most popular term for early believers. When we think of disciples today I think we imagine it more like attendance. Like we show up to a lot of things. Like we come to church a lot or small group or whatever. And those things are great. And necessary.

But image wise it’s like when I was in university. I went to York where some of my classes had hundreds of students. I had no relationship with the professor at all. I went to classes, scribbled down everything they said, studied like crazy for the test, took the test, and then deleted all the files from my mind immediately to free up space for the next class.

Instead, the image should be more like an apprentice. Where you do hands-on learning and at the end, you have a skill, you’ve learned a trade. You have a relationship with the teacher. You identify with them, learn from them and you do life with them.