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Love is Not Rude

May 24, 2020

Series: Love Is

Topic: Love

Biblically speaking, rudeness has to do with acting toward others in a way that is unbecoming, inconsiderate, or dismissive. Life minus love equals zero and love, says Paul, is not rude (see 1 Corinthians 13:1-5).

Indeed, rudeness is an indicator that our love for others is diminished. It’s a sign that there’s an underlying condition in our hearts that’s blocking the flow of Jesus love’ in and through us.

Rudeness amounts to a bogus attempt to prop up your sense of self-worth by devaluing others in one form or another. But when you know that you’re everything to Jesus, you’ll be far less inclined to be rude toward others in some vain and fleeting attempt to feel better about yourself.

When you live into and out of the fact that in Jesus, you already have all the love your heart will ever need, you’ll become freer to love others without concern about what’s in it for you, or how you may or may not be perceived or treated.