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Your Kingdom Come

May 21, 2023

Series: Pray Like Jesus

Topic: Prayer

In the gospels, Jesus’ miracles proved more than just show God’s power and God’s love. They proved that God’s kingdom had arrived. What does that kingdom look like?
It looks like the blind seeing, the lame walking, the demons banished. It looks like sins forgiven, captives set free, and outcasts being welcomed. It looks healing in every area of life that restores people and communities to God’s original design.
This, says Jesus is the kingdom of God – and the kingdom of God is here.
The kingdom of God is also not yet fully established. Jesus says that the kingdom of God is still in process. It’s like a small mustard seed that grows into the largest of trees. It’s like a little yeast that makes the dough expand.
The kingdom of God is already here, but it’s not yet fully established. That’s why Jesus tells us to pray, Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.