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Lead Us Not Into Temptation

June 18, 2023

Series: Pray Like Jesus

Topic: Prayer

When you’re tempted, it feels like you’re standing at a crossroad and in front of you are two paths.
On one side there’s the path you know you should take. You know it’s the right thing to do. You know things will be better if you do it. But you also know that this path will be a lot harder.
And then there’s the other path. You know you shouldn’t take it but it feels like it’s calling your name. You know it will be easier and more fun. And what’s the big deal anyway? No one needs to know. No one will get hurt. Besides, don’t you deserve a break? Don’t you owe it to yourself?
When you’re standing at the crossroad of temptation, you know what you should do but you want to do something else. Part of you wants to do the right thing, but you don’t know if you can do it. So you’re torn, conflicted and restless.
What do you do when you face temptation?