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The Fall

January 12, 2025

Series: The God Story

Imagine this: an adult elephant, the strongest animal in the world, standing in a field with only a small rope to tie it down. It could easily break free; it could easily run away. And yet, it doesn’t. Instead it stands there dejected and defeated.

How did this happen? Did a strong enemy come along and overpower it? No. What happened was, many years ago, when it was a small baby, someone tied it to a stake in the ground. Back then, it wasn’t strong enough to break free. So over time, even though the elephant is the strongest animal in the world, it grew up to believe that it was weak.

It could have broken free whenever it wanted to but it never tried. Why? Because even though it had everything it needed to live a flourishing life, it believed that that it was weak. It’s life was bound by a rope.

What’s the point of this story? The point is that this is your story and mine. Just like the elephant, you and I have been bound by a small piece of rope. This rope represents the lies you’ve believed. Lies that say:

·       You’re not good enough.

·       No one loves you.

·       You don’t matter.

We’re bound by a rope that keeps us prisoners. We feel defeated and discouraged. How do we experience freedom? How do we live out the story God has called us to live?