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October 10, 2021

Series: Thanksgiving

Topic: Giving Thanks


How can you give thanks in all circumstances?

Sometimes people will say, I can be thankful because I know that so many people in the world have it harder than me.  There are people who are starving, who are sick, who don’t have a family or a home to live in. 

And this is true.  Putting our problems in perspective is extremely helpful.  It reminds us of all we do have.

We all need to do this.  But we also need to go deeper.  Because even when we do that, we’re still thinking about our circumstances.

Here’s the thing.  Biblical thanksgiving isn’t based on our circumstances.  It’s based on the conviction that God is a good God.  He delights in giving good gifts to his children.  And he gives these gifts in good times and in bad.

Thanksgiving is our way of acknowledging God’s goodness.  We thank God for his gifts.  But more importantly, we thank God for being the great Gift Giver.

What I want to do today is talk about thanksgiving.  How can you give thanks in all circumstances?  How can you give thanks not just when things are going well.  But how can you give thanks even when you’re hurting, lonely and confused?