December 3, 2023
Series: The Life Appeared
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Jesus doesn’t just offer you a better life; he offers you a new life. It’s a different kind of life. It’s not just an upgrade, it’s a whole operating system.
1 John 1:5-2:2
November 24, 2023
Series: State of the Union
Speaker: Executive Team
November 19, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Unity
Based on Romans 15:1-13, this sermon explores three keys for accepting one another across ethnic difference.
Romans 15:1-13
November 10, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Unity
The church as a community of unity in ethnic diversity is central to God’s plan of salvation.
Ephesians 2:10-22
November 5, 2023
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Unity
In order to advance an effective intercultural ministry in this metropolitan, pluralistic, multicultural environment, we must be a Jesus-centered, Spirit-enabled, prayer-sustained, and relational intelligent intercultural church because the multicultural world is in our “Jerusalem.”
Revelation 7:9-12
October 29, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
Generosity is being open to the people and the needs around you and then being obedient to what the Spirit is prompting you to do.