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How to Thrive in Times of Disruption

April 5, 2020

Jeremiah talks about a tree planted by the water (Jer 17:8).  What’s surprising about this tree is that it can thrive not only when times are good but also when times are bad.

Why is that?  It’s because the soil near the water has lots of moisture.  So it’s not dependent on the rain.  Even during a drought, it has a source that enables it to thrive.

Planting your roots by the water means placing your hope in God.  It’s recognizing that you weren’t put on earth to live for your own comfort.  You were put on earth to trust God and reflect his character.  You’re called to love God and to love others.  You’re called to be generous, kind and hopeful.

And when the heat is on, when the rain doesn’t come, when you’re self-isolating at home, when your family is driving you crazy, when you’re overwhelmed with stress, when you can’t see your friends, when you can’t go out to eat, when businesses shut down, when your job is at risk, when the stock market tanks, when a loved one gets sick, when you’re not sure what to do…

If you’re planted by the water, you’ll be okay.  Because your source isn’t in the rain, it’s in the river.  You’re not depending on circumstances, you’re depending on God.