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Fruitful Joy

January 14, 2024

Topic: Joy

Scripture: Phil 1:9-11


Paul prays that…[our] love may abound more and more… (Philippians 1:9)

What does it mean to abound? The word abound means to be over and above, to be more than enough, to be filled up so much that it overflows. And then to emphasize his point, he says, may your love abound more and more.

This New Year, many of us are praying to be more blessed. Paul says, Why don’t you pray to be more loving.

The Bible says, We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19)

This means that if you let him, he can fill your heart with his love. This love will refresh you, heal you and strengthen you.

But it doesn’t stop there. God will keep filling you with his love until it spills over. Why does God do that? It’s because God’s overflowing love enables you to love others well. You don’t need to scrap and claw to get love. You already have it. God has given you more than enough so that his love can overflow into the people around you.

People who are hard to love. People you wouldn’t naturally choose to love. People you’d rather not love. People you wouldn’t be able to love if it were up to you.

But it’s not up to you. God’s overflowing love enables you to love others we