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Fruit that Nourishes Relationships

July 2, 2023

It was only 500 years ago that people realized that the universe revolved around the sun. Up until then for thousands of years, people believed the universe revolved around the earth. But when they made this discovery, everything changed – astronomy maps, theories about the earth – but do you know what the biggest change was?
It was how human beings saw their place in the world. Because they had to admit, We are no longer the centre. The universe does not revolve around us.
This is what happens when you’re led by the Spirit. God-centredness displaces self-centredness. It’s a Copernican revolution. You become a new person.
When you lived a self-centred life, the results were what Paul calls the acts of the flesh. You lived for yourself and you were powerless to change.
But when you make God the centre, the results are what Paul calls the fruit of the spirit. Fruit isn’t something you grow on your own. Fruit is something God does. That’s why fruit is a by-product. It’s not something you can make happen, it’s what happens in you when God is your centre.


A series on the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:21-22). We are approaching it under the thematic umbrella of “flourishing” in line with our annual theme. These 9 relationally-oriented character fruits are the marks of a flourishing life.