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Confident Composure in Chaos

March 22, 2020

Psalm 46: Confident Composure in Chaos 

You and I need to be reminded that this pandemic has done nothing to change the fact that God is still our “refuge” – a secure fortress in whom we can take shelter, whatever the circumstances. And he is still our “strength”—the one who himself becomes the inner fortitude and courage that we so need in times of crisis.

Times of crisis are no fun. But they do serve to remind us that true and lasting security can never be found in God “plus” anything else.

  • Lasting security can never be found in God “plus” your health.
  • Lasting security can never be found in God “plus” a predictable routine.
  • Lasting security can never be found in God “plus” your plans panning out as you had hoped.
  • Lasting security can never be found in God “plus” your job, or God “plus” continuing to have the income level you’ve become accustomed to.
  • Lasting security can never be found in God “plus” your financial investments performing well.

A crisis like the one we’re in is very effective at exposing what your “pluses” are—those things you’ve been relying on apart from God for your sense of security and well-being.

What are your “pluses”?