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EMBODY the Jesus Way of Life

I am actively learning how to put Jesus’ teachings
into practice as I walk with Him

Therefore go and make disciples... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
(Jesus, Matthew 28:19-20)

Discipleship Pathway - Embody

Discipleship involves learning to obey everything Jesus commanded, but we can only do so through his empowering presence:

In other words, obedience to Jesus flows out of relationship with Jesus. The starting point for embodying the Jesus way of life is to practice moment-by-moment openness to the presence of Jesus in our daily lives. From there, we learn how to put Jesus’ commands into practice through active experimentation in the context of supportive Christian community.

Prayerfully look over the Next Step options on this page. Which are you most drawn to?

Here are spaces for you to embody the Jesus way of life.




Here are a variety of resources to help you embody the Jesus way of life.




Here are some media resources we recommend about how to put what Jesus says into practice in your everyday life. Keep checking back – we update this page with new new media resources from time to time.

How to Read the Bible (The Bible Project)
This brilliantly animated and wonderfully informative video series uses visual storytelling to help you read the Bible with greater understanding.

Read Scripture App (The Bible Project)
A year-long Bible reading plan supplemented by amazingly creative animated videos that explain every book of the Bible.

Download from Apple Store
Download from Google Play

Video Channel (Right Now Media)
Here you will find more videos about embodying the Jesus Way of life.

To view these videos, sign up for a free RightNow Media Account


Here are some books we recommend how to put what Jesus says into practice. Click the title to order from Amazon. Keep checking back – we update this page with new titles from time to time.

Practicing the Way of Jesus (Mark Scandrette)
Recover a sense of immediacy and action in your spiritual practices—a path to discipleship that is more like a karate studio than a lecture hall.

Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster)
Explore the classic disciplines and practices of the Christian faith in a work hailed by many as the best modern book on Christian spirituality.

The Life You’ve Always Wanted (John Ortberg)
Helpful contemporary perspectives on ancient Christian practices that will empower you more and more to live your daily life like Jesus would.

Invitation to the Jesus Life (Jan Johnson)
Experience Jesus in such a way that His love-drenched, others-focused nature shapes your character. The spiritual practices in each chapter of this book will challenge you to go deeper with Jesus.

Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home (Richard Foster)
A warm, compelling, and sensitive primer on prayer, that will help you understand, experience, and practice it in its many forms.

Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most (Mark and Lisa Scandrette)
An immensely practical book to help you discover how a life of financial freedom and radical generosity is about learning contentment in and obedience to Jesus.



A spiritual director partners with you as you seek to discern God’s presence, voice, and movement in your daily life. A spiritual director can also offer you guidance in your prayer life and introduce you to new prayer practices.

Pastor Steve is a trained spiritual director and can offer one-on-one spiritual direction sessions to Cornerstone congregants upon request (subject to schedule availability). To learn more or book a session, email Pastor Steve.

There are also many other great spiritual directors in the area. See list of practitioners.