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ESTABLISH Identity in Jesus

My sense of who I am comes from Jesus

The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored.
We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.

(Romans 8:29, The Message)

Discipleship Pathway - ESTABLISH

The single most important thing about us is who God says we are in Jesus.

Your sense of identity determines how you approach life. Basing your sense of self on your profession, performance, social status or the opinions of others leads to insecurity, comparison, competition and selfishness. Only in Jesus will you find the unconditional love and security that frees you to become the real you—the person God created and redeemed you to be.

Prayerfully look over the Next Step options on this page. Which are you most drawn to?

Here are spaces for you to establish your sense of identity in Jesus.




Here are some books we recommend about establishing your identity in Jesus. Click the titles to order from Amazon. Keep checking back – we update this page with new titles from time to time.

Abba’s Child (Brennan Manning)
Sin may have a greater grip on your heart than you realize, but God loves you far more than you can imagine and accepts you as you are.

The Gift of Being Yourself (David Benner)
Learn to recognize the false selves you hide behind and discover your true self that emerges from who you are in Christ.

The Search for Significance (Robert S. McGee)
Learn how to be free to enjoy Christ’s love while no longer basing your self-worth on your accomplishments or the opinions of others.

Surrender to Love (David Benner)
Surrendering to God—who is the epitome of goodness and love— frees you to become the person you were created you to be.

Crash the Chatterbox (Stephen Furtick)
Silence the lies and embrace the freeing affirmation of God. Learn how to hear God’s voice above all others.

Life of the Beloved (Henri Nouwen)
In this timeless and highly readable classic, you will learn how you enjoy a life lived in the awareness that in Jesus, you are deeply loved by God.


Here are some media resources we recommend about establishing identity in Jesus. Just click the links to view the videos. Keep checking back – we’ll be adding media resources to this page from time to time.

Learning My True Identity in Christ (Rick Warren)
In this compelling 1-hour teaching video, you’ll learn how to see yourself through God’s eyes and be restored in your true identity that’s been masked by hurt, failure, damaged self-esteem, and mistakes.

Video Channel (Right Now Media)
Here you will find more videos about establishing identity in Jesus.

To view these videos, sign up for a free RightNow Media Account

Music Playlist
Here is a playlist with songs that will reinforce your sense of identity in Jesus.

You will need to sign up for a free Spotify Account to listen.



Unsure of what next step to take when it comes to establishing your identity in Christ?

One of our pastors would be happy to connect with you and offer some guidance.


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A spiritual director partners with you as you seek to discern God’s presence, voice, and movement in your daily life. A spiritual director can also guide you in personally connecting with God in a way that helps deepen your sense of identity in Jesus.

Pastor Steve is a trained spiritual director and can offer one-on-one spiritual direction sessions to Cornerstone congregants upon request (subject to schedule availability).

To learn more or book a session email: PASTOR STEVE


Freedom Session

Let go of emotional baggage. Learn practical strategies for dealing with real issues in your life. Uncover the roots of pain in your life and invite Jesus Christ to heal those areas of your heart.

Join a Small Group

A big part of your identity in Jesus is the fact that you belong to God’s family, the church. Connecting with a small group helps you to live into this aspect of your identity.

Church Membership Class

Making a commitment to become a formal member of Cornerstone helps you live in alignment with your identity as someone who belongs to God’s family in Christ.