Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”
– Matthew 28:18-19a
Our number one job as a church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Discipleship is BEING with Jesus to LEARN from Jesus how to BECOME like Jesus.
Take the Discipleship Pathway Assessment and find your next step!
But how do we go about doing that?
We do this by "Making Space" for people to:
Each of the 5 Es in our Discipleship Pathway is a vital aspect of your development as a follower of Jesus.
All five of these elements interact dynamically and continuously throughout your lifetime as you become more and more like Jesus in character (Matthew 10:25).
All of Cornerstone’s ministries relate to this pathway in one way or another.
ESTABLISH Identity in Jesus
My sense of who I am comes from Jesus.
Your sense of identity determines how you approach life. Basing your sense of self on your profession, performance, social status or the opinions of others leads to insecurity, comparison, competition and selfishness. Only in Jesus will you find the unconditional love and security that frees you to become the real you—the person God created and redeemed you to be.
EMBODY The Jesus way of life
I’m actively learning how to put Jesus’ teaching into practice as I walk with Him.
Obedience to Jesus flows out of relationship with Jesus. The starting point for embodying the Jesus way of life is to practice moment-by-moment openness to the presence of Jesus in our daily lives. From there, we learn how to put Jesus’ commands into practice through active experimentation in the context of supportive Christian community.
EXPLORE Jesus' call to life mission
I have a clear sense of God’s unique callings on my life.
We are part of God’s grand Story of creation and new creation in Christ. God gives each of us the astounding opportunity to be co-authors of his Story by making a unique difference for God and for good in this world.
EXTEND Jesus' love in life Mission
I am actively engaged in God’s world-restoring mission in Jesus.
As you discover your callings, you can truly live into your unique assignments as an agent of God’s world-restoring mission in Christ. At Cornerstone, our heart is to support and resource you to extend Jesus’ love to others in alignment with the life-mission God has for you.
EXPERIENCE Jesus' care and healing
I look to Jesus and his people when I need healing, support and care.
Because life is hard. There are times when each of us will need special care and healing from Jesus and His people in order to move forward again in our journey of discipleship.
Take the Discipleship Pathway Assessment and find your next step!
We have created a custom online assessment tool to help you discern your next step on the Discipleship Pathway.