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EXPLORE Jesus' Call to Life Mission

I have a clear sense of God’s unique callings on my life

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

(Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

Discipleship Pathway - Explore

We are part of God's grand Story of creation and new creation in Christ.

God gives each of us the astounding opportunity to be co-authors of his Story by making a unique difference for God and for good in this world.

As disciples of Jesus, we must make a careful exploration of who we are, sifting through the sands of our history, in order to uncover the unique passions, gifts, strengths, and callings God has in mind for us.

Prayerfully look over the Next Step options on this page. Which are you most drawn to?

Here are spaces for you to discover Jesus’ unique calling on your life.




Here are some books we recommend about exploring Jesus’ call to life mission. Click the images to order from Amazon. Keep checking back – we update this page with new titles from time to time.

To Be Told (Dan Allender)
God reveals himself to you and to others through the story he has written in your life. This book shows you how to read the story of your life.

Living Your Strengths (Donald Clifton & Al Winseman)
Shows you how to identify and affirm your talents, leveraging them for growth, service and the discovery of your true callings.

Let Your Life Speak (Parker Palmer)
Gain insights from stories about people who have made a difference. This will illuminate a pathway for you as you seek the true calling of your life.

Courage & Calling (Gordon T. Smith)
Calling is wider than occupation. It also includes your giftedness, limitations, relationships and what you do each day as God’s co-worker.


God has given each believer one or more spiritual gifts to use for God’s glory (1 Cor. 12:4-11; Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Peter 4:10-11).

Jesus calls us to use our gifts to partner with him in extending God’s loving rule and reign on earth. God not only wants us to know our spiritual gifts, but expects us to develop them and use them regularly.

This spiritual gifts test will help you discover or reaffirm the gifts God has given you.



Do a deeper dive to explore the unique callings and life mission Jesus has in mind for you. (Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 2:10).

Through a series of one-on-one coaching sesions, personal assessments and prayerful reflections, you will be guided through a framework designed to integrate your:

  • Strengths
  • Spiritual gifts
  • Training and skill set
  • Life Map (defining moments, themes and patterns)
  • Emotional health diagnostics
  • Listening to God’s voice

By the end of the process, you will have developed your own Life Mission Statement.

Time Commitment:
One-on-one coaching sessions take place once every three weeks for approximately 4-6 months, plus 2-3 hours of homework between sessions.

Introduction to Living Your Strengths