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When I was younger we attended Church on Sundays as a family, from what I recall it was a nice church I remember the atmosphere being welcoming, the hardest part that I remember was that you had to dress in your Sunday best and had to sit down and not speak or move around too much, I stopped attending church when I was about 11 years old. I always knew God was with me and I always carried that in my heart. Throughout the years I would go to church with my grandmother and mother on holiday’s and special occasions and I really enjoyed the services when I was there. I did always know Jesus died for me on the cross and I always felt that his presence was with me. Being part of the church once a week was not something, I felt I needed in my life at the time.

As I went through my teen years, I occasionally made some bad decisions and was involved in situations that got me in trouble but I now realize that God was always with me on my shoulder but I had chosen not to listen. I am fortunate I still had people in my life that watched over me. After I finished School and started working, I met Emily and got married. When we were expecting our first child (Jessica) we had a scare and Emily ended up in the hospital. I remember going outside and sitting on a curb and feeling completely lost, drained and desperate and unsure what to do. At that moment something came over me and I felt the need to pray, I remember looking around the parking lot in front of the emergency room and for some reason it was quiet and calm with no cars or people around. So, I prayed to God for help for Emily and my child. I really felt at ease after praying and I really started to feel God’s presence in my life after that. A few months later a very healthy Jessica was born and shortly after that Alyssa came along and blessed us as well.

My journey back to the church and to Jesus began with my oldest daughter Jessica who has always had an interest in the church since she was 5 years old and wanting to learn more about God and asking us to read stories from the children’s bible stories she received as a gift when she was very young, it didn’t take long for Alyssa wanting to learn more as well. We were unsure of how to find a church for us to visit and take the girls and at the same time hopefully satisfying their curiosity.

All of a sudden, a short time later we watched a building down the street being constructed and were surprised when we learned it was a Church. Once Jessica and Alyssa heard that is was a church being built, they were excited and wanted to attend a service. God spoke to us through our children for sure!! At that point in my life, I was definitely a fan of Jesus and not yet a follower.

Pastor Andrew was delivering the message on our first visit and Laurelle was leading the worship team, the series was the Seven deadly sins and it was so powerful. One week turned into two weeks and so on and so on and we kept wanting to hear more about Jesus. 4 years later we can’t imagine not attending on Sunday and feel so blessed every week.

I’ve been blessed with so many from the Cornerstone that have been part of my journey. My small group with Jack, Carol, Bernie, Titania, Emily and Leon have been the one of biggest supports, I have made some great friendships and mentors in the Men’s ministry group and the workshops run by the pastors are so inciteful. My family has been so supportive, especially Emily, Jessica, Alyssa and my Mom Shirley. I look forward to continuing to learn and explore what God and Cornerstone have in store for me.

Being baptized is something that I have thought long and hard about for a while and my wife Emily was baptized last Easter which was so encouraging for me, it took me a long time to realize and fully embrace I am worthy of His love and my sins are truly forgiven.
