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July 23, 2023

How many of you have been in a situation where you were right and someone was wrong? And not only that, but the person who was wrong got mad at you. It makes you want to lose it because after all, you’re the one who’s right.
But Jesus doesn’t tell us to be right, he tells us to be loving. Jesus didn’t say the world will know us by how right we are. He says the world will know us by our love.
The problem with being right is that it comes with a cost. It hardens your heart, it puts up walls, it destroys relationships. It will even make you justify bad behaviour.
Maybe some of you can relate. You’ve held on to your ‘rightness’ so long your heart has hardened. You find it hard to trust others and develop close friendships. You’ve closed your heart off because you don’t want to get hurt again.
That’s why Jesus doesn’t tell us to be right, he tells us to be loving. Paul put it like this: as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.