December 1, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Peter McCarroll
Looking at Col 3: 12-17 we look at Paul’s analogy of putting on clothing to see how we, through His strength, bring peace to those around us.
Col 3:12-17
November 24, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Jesus is the Prince of Peace, born to ultimately bring God’s peace into this world, and into our lives as well.
Col 1:19-23, Rom 5:1-2
November 17, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Kevin White
This sermon aims to equip everyone with a deeper understanding of the challenges young people face and how to navigate them through a biblical lens.
November 10, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Steve Shaw
SERMON GUIDE JK - GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ This message explores the complex and sensitive topic of what the Bible teaches about same-sex sexuality from a historically Christian perspective.... read more
November 3, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
You are complete not when you find a spouse. You’re complete now because Jesus, the ultimate spouse has found you.
October 27, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Andrew Lau
The Bible talks about a grand, unifying story of marital love and Christ-followers are called to “speak the truth in love” and “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”