January 8, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Joy
God is inviting us to find new strength in the joy of the Lord.
December 30, 2022
Series: What Lies Ahead
Speaker: Kevin White
We are all at different parts of our journey with God. Some have been at it for a long time, others for a little bit and maybe some others feel like you haven’t even started yet.
December 24, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Steve Shaw
We find hopeful resilience in Jesus’ “epiphnaies” (his first appearing at Christmas and his future appearing when he returns to earth), because they offer us with a story to guide us, and a promise to strengthen us.
December 16, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Andrew Lau
As we continue in this Advent season, we are reminded that the coming or appearing of God-in-flesh in Jesus is a grace-shaped mission.
December 11, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
We certainly can’t save ourselves by the worst things we do. We can’t even save ourselves by the best things we do.
December 4, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Steve Shaw
In this message, we see how God’s “epiphany” (appearance) in Christ involves a timely rescue, and we consider what that means, who it’s for, and how to pray in light of it.