June 18, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
When you’re tempted, it feels like you’re standing at a crossroad and in front of you are two paths.
June 11, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
Philo of Alexandria – a Jewish contemporary philosopher in Jesus’ time – writes that “there has never been a single man who, by his own unassisted power, has run the whole course of his life, from the beginning to the end, without stumbling.”
June 4, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
To pray “for our daily bread” is to ask God to meet our daily needs, as well as the needs of others.
May 28, 2023
Speaker: Executive Team
May 21, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
In the gospels, Jesus’ miracles proved more than just show God’s power and God’s love. They proved that God’s kingdom had arrived. What does that kingdom look like?
May 14, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
The first thing Jesus teaches us to ask in the Lord’s Prayer is for God’s name to be “hallowed.”