September 10, 2023
Series: State of the Union
Speaker: Executive Team
A conversation by our Executive Team.
September 3, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
This sermon looks at the definition, dimensions and direction of the biblical virtue self-control, including a surprising discovery: Self-control requires us to have more desire, not less!
August 27, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
The world often sees gentleness, or meekness, as weakness. The Bible has a different view. Biblical gentleness is strength under control. God desires to cultivate in us the gentleness that we see in the life of Jesus. This sermon explores how gentleness enriches relationships, and it also describes practices that help cultivate gentleness in our lives.
August 20, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Transformation
August 13, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
The biblical virtue of goodness is about the fulfillment of purpose. Scripture makes it clear that God is the source of all goodness, so in order to grow in goodness, it’s important for us to understand and live in alignment with God’s purposes.
August 6, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
Early Christians were often referred to as “the kind ones”. Do we give people reason to refer to us in this way today?