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Joy Has Come

December 12, 2021

Topic: Joy

Gospel or good news referred to the history-making announcement of a military victory. It was the world-shaping declaration that a new king is on the throne. That’s why historians wrote the gospel of Augustus. His victory inaugurated a new empire.

Augustus was the self-proclaimed saviour of the world. He declares Julius Caesar, his dead adoptive father to be divine, so that he could also call himself the son of God. As absolute ruler of the world he proclaims that he is king of kings.

Does any of this sound familiar?

At the time Luke wrote his gospel, there had been ten emperors since Augustus. Every emperor promised a better life. Every emperor disappointed.

Because for the common people, life was still hard. They felt all alone like no one cared. They were tired and disillusioned. With all its power, Rome couldn’t or didn’t want to make life better for the people.

Now, back to our passage. When the angel announces the birth of Jesus, what does he say?

I bring you the gospel. I bring you euangelion. I bring you good news of great joy.

Do you know what this means? This isn’t just a birth announcement. It’s a history-making, world-shaping declaration that a new king is here.

This is a direct challenge to the gospel of Rome.

  • It’s a direct challenge to the rulers and principalities.
  • It’s a direct challenge to every lie that’s made you a prisoner.
  • It’s a direct challenge to every idol that’s left you empty.

Because in Jesus,

a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord (v. 11)

Christmas is a declaration that the true Saviour is here and his name is Jesus. He is the Son of God, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.