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Jesus Calms The Storm

March 29, 2020

This story shows us that God does care. God cares so much that he sent Jesus to be with us. He sent Jesus to be with us in the storm. The disciples weren’t alone. We are not alone. Jesus is with us in our storms

It’s great that they went to Jesus. It’s even greater what happened next.

Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Jesus told the storm to be silent. If you study the passage in the original language it says that he put a muzzle on it. The language he used to talk to the storm is the same language used to talk to someone in the New Testament possessed by demons. Jesus has authority over the storm.

If there are storms in your life, bring them to Jesus. He has the power and authority to defeat them. Allow him to say, “Quiet! Be still!” to the storms of your life.