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Faith Alignment: Prayer & Praise

Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1-37

What’s the book of Nehemiah about? Most people think it’s about the people rebuilding the walls. At the beginning of the book, the Jews are living as exiles in Persia. They’ve been permitted to return to Jerusalem but some of these Jews have come back with a report that the walls are in ruins.

So Nehemiah prays. After a few months, he approaches the King of Persia and asks for permission to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.

Nehemiah is great example of prayerful and inspiring leadership. He prays to God, mobilizes the people and perseveres through adversity. And finally in Nehemiah 6, the finish the job! They complete the walls and it only takes them 52 days!

The story’s over right? But if that’s the case, why does the book of Nehemiah continue on for 7 more chapters?

Here’s why. It’s because The real story in Nehemiah isn’t about the people rebuilding the walls, it’s about God rebuilding the people.

Yes, the walls needed to be rebuilt. Yes, the walls were a sign that God was restoring the nation. But to restore the nation, God doesn’t just need his people to rebuild the walls. God needs to rebuild his people. Because after years of living in fear, disobedience and hopelessness, he needs to rebuild their lives. He news to renew their hearts, reestablish their identity and reinstate them for his mission.

How does God do that?