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EXPLORE Jesus’ Call to Life Mission

May 23, 2021

Topic: Jesus

I turned 62 this year, according to ancient Greek tradition, now my tongue and my mind are at their best, though this probably will be questioned by some; according to Hebrew tradition in the Talmud, I am in the right stage to give counsel, though this I am not so certain.

I don’t know how much longer I would live on this side of eternity, but as Abraham Lincoln once said, “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” I definitely want to be alive – to live a vibrant, purposeful and meaningful life, to live life to the full! Don’t you?

And do you know when we feel most alive? It’s when we know we are doing what we are made to do, to be the person we are meant to become, to fulfill the goals we’d set out to accomplish. Frederick Buechner says, “The place where God calls you is where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep hunger.”

And that’s God’s intention since eternity past and remains in eternity future. He created us to have that deep gladness when we respond to His calling and partner with Him to shine light in the midst of darkness, to live life in the midst of death, and to extend Jesus’ love in our own unique life mission.

Until I can tell my story from the vantage of God’s action for me, I have not provided  an authentically Christian answer to the basic, fundamental life questions such as “Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? Where am I going? What part do I play in God’s story? and How should I live?”