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July 10, 2022

Series: Faith Heroes

Topic: Faith

In Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller, David and Goliath, he argues with many different stories how underdogs win in situations where the odds are stacked unfavorably against them.

While there is an element of truth about the improbable win of the underdogs, that is not the essential message of the story of David and Goliath. The Apostle Paul says:

Acts 13:22 God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart … 36 David had served God’s purpose in his own generation …

David played a significant role in the story of God’s cosmic redemption – he’s a fascinating character from whom we can learn much about faith. On the surface the collective fear shown in Saul and the Israelite army was caused by Goliath’s intimidating appearance and defiance. But David was sensitive to the presence of God and empowered by His Spirit (cf. 15:13), he showed by asking questions that there’s more than meets the eye and that there’s something deeper than what’s perceived.