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Created for Community

October 18, 2020

Series: The "We" Factor

Topic: Community

It is not good for us to be alone (see Gen. 2:18)— for us to be isolated from other human beings. Why? Because you and I have been created for community.

In fact, God’s primary goal for humanity is loving community – for the many to be as one. We are created in the image of a relational God for loving relationships with God and each other.

The image of the relational God is still stamped upon us, but it’s become distorted because of our sin. This is precisely why we find ourselves yearning for loving community on the one hand, while at the same time trying to run and hide from it on the other (see Genesis 3:7-8).

Even in the church of Jesus Christ—where loving relationships should have the best chance of flourishing— the cultivation of community remains a constant challenge. It requires tremendous effort and sacrifice, and quite frankly, it’s risky.

And so, an obvious question arises: Is community worth pursuing?

The Bible’s answer is yes, yes—a thousand times, yes. Why? Because God’s dream has not changed, and you and I are made for God’s dream.

In this message, you will learn more about how you can begin to live into God’s dream of loving Christian community right here and now.