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Hi, my name is Russell Granger. I grew up in Toronto in some rough areas and didn’t really have much guidance growing up. I used to get into a lot of fights and commit crimes while being in and out of jail since the age of 15. My whole life was filled with hatred and confusion, not knowing where I belonged.
In 2012, I met the mother of my child and was blessed with a beautiful baby boy in 2013. I knew it was time for some serious change, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. Unfortunately, the changes I wanted to make didn’t happen because I was still very selfish and angry at the world.
My entire life, I knew that God was real but didn’t have a relationship with him, even after all the times he saved me, and gave me multiple signs which are now very obvious to me. I used to ignore them and turned my back to God.
On February 6th of this year, I was in a very bad car accident that almost claimed my life. Through my recovery I was in immense pain and filled with so much anger and rage, thinking I may never walk properly again. I felt like just giving up. I knew right there and then that something needed to change and I wasn’t able to do it on my own.
So I started to pray over and over all night long until early morning, not being able to sleep due to the extreme pain. Once I finished praying, I had this overwhelming feeling of peace, and I actually started to laugh uncontrollably. I then was eventually able to fall asleep.
When I woke up I was no longer in pain; and I wasn’t feeling lost. I knew that this could only be the work of God – and now this injury felt like blessing as crazy as that may sound and allowed me to start a relationship with Jesus. At that very moment I knew I would never turn my back to Jesus again and would continue to build a stronger relationship with him through his teachings in the Bible.
On that morning I sent a message to my cousin Johnny who is a pastor in New Brunswick, asking him to help me find a good church in Markham. He did exactly that. He contacted Cornerstone Church, and thanks to Lisa – one of the members of the Executive Team – I was introduced to Jack and Carol who have been an absolute blessing in my life. They’ve been nothing but kind and understanding of my situation and have helped mentor me in my Christian faith and relationship with Jesus. They’ve also kept me and my loved ones in their prayers.
I would also like to thank Amy & Lawrence, Merry, Marissa, Emily & Shawn, Kyle & Sarah, Ben & Lisa, and Sarah Reynolds for also keeping me in their prayers. I believe that because of their prayers, I’ve made a very fast recovery. The doctors told me that I wouldn’t be able to walk without assistance for at least a year, seeing that I now have titanium in my leg from my hip down to my knee. They were wrong! I was able to walk two months after my surgery. I strongly believe that’s all thanks to prayer and my beliefs in God.
When I was a baby, I was baptized but didn’t have any control over that. So, I’ve decided to do it again to solidify my beliefs in Jesus Christ.
I want to I thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour and share this bible passage with you from Ephesians 4:31-32: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”