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Mental health help/agencies for children and youth in York Region

York Hills Child and Family Services
York Hills has expertise in treating the social, emotional and behavioural challenges of children, youth and their families. As an agency, we are committed to providing high-quality practices of care that have been proven to show positive outcomes.
905-773-4323 ext 0 or at 905-737-8927

Catholic Community Services of York Region
Helping individuals and their families thrive and grow in relationships with one another and within our community.
905-770-7040 ext 241

Cedar Centre
We provide a unique and holistic approach to therapy, education and advocacy for those who have experienced trauma. We work from anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks, serving all ages. We are committed to improving their lives through a trauma-specific therapy plan that is designed to meet each person’s unique needs, strengths and challenges.

Community Helpers for Active Participation (CHAP)
The CHAP Program is an online registry that connects families with individuals with disabilities with respite workers.

Children’s Treatment Network
CTN’s focus is on supporting children who need long-term support for a range of diagnoses and special needs from birth to their 19th birthday (or up until high school graduation). Our clients often require multiple interventions such as physiotherapy, medical, speech and/or occupational therapies.

Chinese Family Services of Ontario
Chinese Family Services of Ontario helps build a safe and harmonious community by providing professional counselling and settlement services to individuals and families in need.

Canadian Mental Health Association (HOPE-Help Overcome Psychosis Early)
– York Region Branch – Youth Age 14 and over
As a nationwide, voluntary organization, the Canadian Mental Health Association promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.

Evergreen provides community-based supportive services to individuals and their families in Markham, Stouffville and Thornhill, who are living with a life-threatening illness or living with the death of a loved one.

Family Services York Region-Counselling
FSYR is a Not for Profit, Charitable organization. We are committed to excellence in the provision of counselling for children, youth, women, men and their families. All counselling services seek to promote the fullest development of the individual. We believe in family in all its diversity.
905-415-9719 or 1-866-415-9723

360 Kids – Gang Prevention & Intervention Program
360° Kids works with youth from an outreach perspective to go where the youth are, identifying and assisting with immediate needs.
General 360 Kids contact info:

Health For All
Expert social workers will provide you counselling and support that is respectful of culture, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation.

LDAYR – Learning Disabilities Association of York Region
Offers Education and Support Programs, Children’s Programs, Youth and Adult Programs.

Kinark Children and Youth
Child and Family Services is dedicated to helping children and youth with complex needs and their families achieve better outcomes.

Community-based Child and Youth Mental Health (1-888-454-6275)
Forensic Mental Health and Youth Justice (1-905-844-4110)
Kinark Autism Services (1-800-283-3377)
Kinark Outdoor Centre (KOC) (1-800-805-8252)
Childcare Centres (905-476-5449)
Supervised Access Service
Simcoe/Muskoka 1-800-386-6561 x6334
Peterborough 1-800-386-6561 x5045

Kerry’s Place York/Simcoe
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder and to empower them and their families, through evidence-based, innovative and person-directed supports.
905-713-6808 x350

Learning Disabilities Association of York Region
The Learning Disabilities Association of York Region (LDAYR) is a charitable non-profit organization which was established in 1976. We provide leadership in Learning Disabilities advocacy, research, education and services, and strive to advance the full participation of children, youth and adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) in society.

LivingWorks Education
Provides suicide intervention training dedicated to helping individuals and communities become safer from suicide.

Markham Stouffville Hospital: Child & Adolescent Services (CAS & ATLAS)
The Child and Adolescent Outpatient Mental Health Program provide assessment and treatment for youth up to age 18 years with moderate-to-severe mental health conditions. We offer services for a range of conditions including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and early signs of psychosis. Our team consists of a child psychiatrist, a consultant physician, social workers and child and youth counsellors who are skilled to support patients and their families in recovery from mental illness.

Meadowbrook Counselling & Healthcare
Megan is a Child and Youth Care Practitioner (CYCP). She uses a strength-based and solution-focused approach to cultivate and support family stability.
905-202-2031 x121

Mental Health and Addictions Nurses
Services for students with mental health or addiction issues. There is no cost for this program for eligible students or their families. Crisis telephone support is available 24/7.
Community Crisis Response Service at 1-855-310-COPE (2673)
Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868
Simcoe County Crisis Line at 1-888-893-8333

MOBYSS- Youth Walk-In Clinic
MOBYSS- Mobile York South Simcoe is travelling around York Region and South Simcoe to meet your confidential health care needs in a safe, non-judgmental environment. The team includes a nurse practitioner, specialized youth mental health worker, and a peer support specialist. MOBYSS is committed to providing holistic, compassionate and youth-centred mental health services such as counselling, support and referrals. Our mental health workers and peer support specialists are skilled in assisting youth with issues around depression and anxiety, substance abuse, suicide risk, bullying, harm and risk reduction, issues unique to LGBTQ youth, as well as many other aspects around mental-health and illness.

PFLAG (Parents, Friends of Lesbian & Gays)
What is Pflag?
Pflag is York Region’s LGBTQ2 support, resource and education network – bringing together all members of the community. We are a volunteer-led local registered charity servicing one of the fastest growing and multicultural regions nationwide. Every day, our compassionate volunteers are contacted by frightened adolescents and by angry, fearful or confused parents and family members from all walks of life who have questions or concerns about sexual orientation or gender identity. Our dedicated volunteers are there for those in need when it seems no one else is!

LGBTTQ Information, Referral & Support Line – 1-888-967-5542
Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans Youthline – 1-800-268-9688 or 416-962-9688

Worry Busters @MSH
Anxiety group for children ages 9-13 who struggle with worries and fears that are impacting their day-to-day functioning.
Susan Russell, Social Worker – 905-472-7373 x6822

Yellow Brick House (Shelter)
Yellow Brick House is a place for abused women and children. In your neighbourhood and across our community, we are here 24 hours a day, 7 days providing help and hope to women and children.

York ASD Partnership
Start planning for children going through transitions (ie. Kindergarten, becoming a teenager, graduating high school).

York Hills Centre for Children, Youth and Families
Mental Health Navigator, an RBC funded initiative to support youth and their families to access mental health services within York Region. For Youth, aged 13-24, and their families.
905-503-9560 or 1-866-536-7608

York Region Health Connection
York Region helps residents stay healthy at all ages and stages. With evidence-based public health programs and services, York Region prevents diseases, supports child development, protects resident safety and promotes healthy lifestyles.

York Support Services Network – Community Crisis Response Services
For individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis, and their family or friends, York Support Services Network offers the Community Crisis Response Service. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and serving residents of York Region and South Simcoe. We are a member of the York Region Crisis Support Network and part of the Integrated Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Response Service for York Region and South Simcoe.
1-855-310-COPE (2673) or (TTY) 1-866-323-7785

York Support Services Network – Streamlined Access
An intake and assessment service that provides referrals and access to mental health and addictions services, and supportive housing programs.
289-340-0348 OR 1-884-660-6602
In crisis? CALL 1-855-310-2673

York Support Services Network – Peer Support Service
A relationship between an individual and a Peer Support Worker in which both parties share experiences with mental health, addiction, personal challenges and strategies toward wellness.
Call 289-340-0348 or 1-844-660-6602

Youth Employment Programs – 360° Kids
For individuals 15-29 years old at the time of registration. Training and support to youth who self-identify with employment barriers including mental health challenges, one-on-one employment counselling, job coaching and paid work placement opportunities, certifications in Smart Serve, First Aid/CPR, WHMIS, and Food Handlers.

Youth Wellness Program
Services that aim to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being of young people and promote early intervention and suicide prevention. They facilitate workshops and groups, individual counselling for youth as well as workshops for parent groups and for the staff of youth-serving agencies.
905-841-3977 or 1-866-345-0183

*Please note some organizations listed may not reflect Cornerstone’s values and beliefs.