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About Outreach

We love our community! We strive to follow the call to love God and to love others as we extend Jesus’ love to our community. As a church, we want to be a demonstration of Jesus’ love as we seek the flourishing of those around us. Through our community partners and Cornerstone projects we aim to address tangible needs by providing supplies, financial assistance, food support, encouragement, and safe community spaces for those throughout Markham Stouffville and beyond.






The Cornerstone Pantry strives to serve our community by providing food support for families in need.

We make space to listen to stories, customize support to their needs and requests, and offer love and hope through the relationships built.

Community Care

At Cornerstone, we love our community!

Whether in Long Term Care Homes, local schools, or community based organizations, we want to encourage and bless those who are working hard to care for others throughout Markham Stouffville. Through care packages, meal deliveries, thank you notes, and financial support, we strive to extend Jesus’ love to our community.


Each week our outreach team visits those living on the streets in Toronto.

Our team strives to make space to meet people right where they are, offer food and supplies, and take time to listen, pray, and build relationships with those we meet.

Driver Team

The Cornerstone Driver team works to support seniors, new moms, those living with disabilities, and anyone else in our community who needs extra support.

Our team picks up and delivers groceries and supplies, drives to appointments, and builds connections with those in our community.


We know that human trafficking exists in our community and we want to be part of the solution.

Through education and partnerships with local organizations, we strive to raise awareness about the reality of human trafficking and provide support directly to the organizations who are working on the frontlines.