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Hello, I am Kylie. Growing up I had always known that God loved me so much that he died on the cross for me and that this was awesome. I enjoyed going to church, seeing my friends, making crafts and learning more about the bible. After COVID, I started going to youth group and became a volunteer for some of the youth programs. I was really proud of what I was doing and what I had accomplished through attending church. However, when it came time for the powerful God-experiencing moments that the youth programs offered, I sat there, not really sure what was supposed to happen, silence was all that I would feel. Of course, I was unaware of this until Pastor Kevin asked me why I believed in God on a youth retreat. All answers vanished and I was left silent, feeling confused as to why I could not answer. Here I was volunteering on a youth retreat and I was not able to answer why I believed in God, a bit awkward. Pastor Kevin had told me that I was brought to this retreat for a reason, that God’s timing is perfect, and that maybe this was the reason I was brought here. This was very overwhelming as I was supposed to be brought to supervise all of the kids, keeping things fun, and helping them with their journey; not the other way around. All of the leaders were told that the night sermon was designed to be ‘the sermon’, and to get ready to be there for the kids. I think that is the first sermon that I was ever ready for. I walked in with an open, overwhelmed heart, confused and disoriented. The message was about how God’s love and salvation is a gift, and all we have to do is open the gift to receive it. I remember listening and thinking that it would be silly to leave a gift all wrapped up. What good is a gift all wrapped up if it can’t be used and appreciated? It was during the final worship song of the night Christ be Magnified in Me, when I realized I had never opened God’s gift to me, what could be a better song and what perfect timing. I remember realizing I had never felt God before because I was never looking for him. It was at that moment that I finally accepted his gift. It felt like my heart had exploded and God had pieced it back together in the best way possible, to beat for him. It was the greatest experience of my life. Since then I have been able to experience God in so many ways, both big and small and can passionately say that I believe in God. This is why I have chosen to get baptized today. Once I let God into my life and into my heart, I knew that I fully believed in God and wanted to live a life for him. I would like to thank Cornerstone for giving me all of the amazing opportunities I have been able to be a part of, especially the youth retreats, I know they are not easy. Without them, I am not sure I would be standing here. I would like to thank my friends for being there for me, laughing when I need to laugh and bringing me up when I am down. And finally, I would like to thank my family for always supporting and loving me, through all of my highs and lows. I would certainly not be the person I am today without you guys. Thank you.