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Keira Siu Chong


I grew up in Cornerstone until I was 4 when we moved to Trinidad. We would always visit Canada and Cornerstone every summer and most Christmases. I always knew I should believe in Jesus because of my mom and dad, but did I really? Ever since I could remember I knew what God had done for me on the cross. There’s an old video on our family computer of me at 4 years old dramatically explaining the Easter story to my mom. I said “the teachers didn’t like him, so he died like this…”

As I got older I went through more difficulties and challenges, and my mom and dad would always pray with me and ask me to trust in Jesus. In school, I would get really anxious when I was doing tests, and my mind used to tell me that I can’t do it or I am going to fail. After tests, especially in math, I would get very discouraged when I didn’t get good grades. I decided to trust God and pray. I saw a huge difference. God helped to let go of my anxiety. So now when I have to do tests I would pray and thankfully I am getting great grades. And even when I don’t get the grade that I was expecting, I know that I am still a child of God. One of my favourite memory verses is:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13.

I like this memory verse because it shows that you can do anything once you believe in Jesus Christ.

Now I truly believe that Easter story that I was explaining to my mom back when I was 4 years old. And this is why I am getting baptized!

I pray every night, do Bible study with my family, go to church, worship, and listen to the services. I feel really blessed and loved that Jesus, God’s only son, died on the cross and went through so much just to wash away my sins and to save me so that I can have an everlasting life . I know I have made a lot of mistakes and I know that I am a sinner but still a child of God, so I am committed to follow Jesus for the rest of my life. Baptism to me means that I have faith in God and I know that I am a sinner and need to be saved. I want to follow God because I really trust God and I want to be a follower of God.

Thanks mom and dad for leading and guiding me through all that I needed to know to help me come to this point.

Keira Siu Chong anointed with oil