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Navigating through loss and finding hope with your little ones.



Grief might be one of the hardest things you will have to parent through.

Children naturally have a lot of questions. Answer as truthfully as you can, adding details when they need them. Ask them what they think and find out what they already know. Too much information is overwhelming for little hearts that are already processing a lot. Vague answers may discourage children from asking further questions because they might not recognize you to be a good source of information.

If you are struggling with your child’s questions, offer to ask a counsellor or pastor and be sure to get back to them with an answer. It’s ok to say you don’t know right now and then find a way to look for the answer together. Praying together is a good way to start.

GriefShare Logo

If you share in your child’s loss (such as a family member), we invite you to consider joining our Grief Share program for adults.

Managing your own grief is like putting your oxygen mask on first so that you are able to support your child.

We’ve collected some useful books, articles, and more to help guide you along this journey.


Sometimes children won’t ask anything at all or will have very little to say about the loss your family is experiencing. We know that this can be concerning for adults. Here are some storybooks that may open up opportunities to talk to your child.

If you would like us to gift you any one of these book resources,

This book is a sweet understanding of how we are all connected by love. It isn’t about death but about being separated from loved ones (of which, one of the ways is death). While not written from a biblical perspective, this is a special book to help little one’s cope with big feelings of loss.

This is a beautiful retell of the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. This is a meaningful book if your loved one was a believer and is now forever with Jesus.

This book is an allegory to help older children or  parents understand your own grieving process. Making a soup takes time, as does grieving, and everyone does it differently.

This is a story of a little girl who struggles with a loss of a close family member. She feels alone and like nothing will ever be the same. Emily learns that asking God big questions is ok and that he is much closer, and loves her so much more, than she ever realized.

From the perspective of a young child, Joanna Rowland artfully describes what it is like to remember and grieve a loved one who has died. The child in the story creates a memory box to keep momentos and written memories of the loved one, to help in the grieving process. Heartfelt and comforting, The Memory Box will help children and adults talk about this very difficult topic together. The unique point of view allows the reader to imagine the loss of any they have loved a friend, family member, or even a pet.


Although some of these resources do not come from a biblical world view, they can help you understand your child’s developmental readiness or give you appropriate language. They will not point your child to the comfort of Jesus’ embrace or to the majesty of God who created life. Discipleship is a moment by moment, each and every day journey. Allow your child to see you follow after Jesus, even in this difficult and messy time.

SickKids Grief Word Library has a section of helpful articles for kids and teens.

Healthy Children dot org

Children who may not understand death react to grieving parents.


We put together this little devotional to help guide you and your little one through the emotions and feelings in the grieving process.

This app lets you talk about thoughts and feelings about the loss of your loved one, working through it together might give you more opportunities to process together.

We love the language that The Jesus Storybook Bible uses to explain BIG theological thought to young hearts and minds. Please contact us if you would like a bible.