Welcome to Cornerstone Church
Jesus is our Foundation
Jesus is our example of how we want to live our lives. Jesus is the core of our vision, our mission and Jesus is the cornerstone of Cornerstone Christian Community Church.
9:30 AM & 11:30 AM SERVICES
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Attend In-Person every Sunday at 9:30 am or 11:30 am. If you are unable to attend In-Person, watch online on Sundays at 11:30am. You can participate in a live chat as well as live prayer on our online platform.
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To get to know us more, don’t forget to visit Our Team page to meet our Pastors and staff or test drive one of our sermons.
Check out our Workshops & Classes page to see what mid-week gatherings are taking place. Just pick a class, and then attend. We look forward to connecting with you soon and introducing you to a fantastic group of people!
Current Series
March 23, 2025
Series: Praying with Paul
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
This message explores prayer priorities from Paul’s prayer for the church at Colossae in Colossians 1:9-14.
Col 1:9-14
March 16, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Steve Shaw
This final installment of The God Story unpacks two visions John received from Jesus in the book of Revelation.
March 9, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Dave Peters
Explore the birth and expansion of the Church, focusing on the Book of Acts.
March 2, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
In this moment, Jesus isn’t just overturning tables; he’s also overturning what we think about coming to God.
February 23, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Dave Peters
A new King has been anointed for Israel, but His coronation is unlike any other.
February 16, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Bethany Nolson
The story comes to a climax with Jesus, but we can’t get there with out all of the people that God used to write this story.
February 9, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
In their darkest moment, God is with them and actively working out his plans to bring them home.
February 2, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Steve Shaw
This message explores the biblical story of the rise and fall of Israel through the lens of one of scripture’s most central and essential themes: God’s presence.
January 26, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Kevin White
Just as He led the Israelites, God invites us to trust Him today, knowing He is our salvation and strength.
January 19, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Abraham learns that the true essence of God’s promise is his presence.
January 12, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Shame is the feeling that you’re not enough. It’s a deep sense that you’re unworthy and inadequate.
January 5, 2025
Series: The God Story
Speaker: Steve Shaw
The God Story sermon series is designed to provide you with a clear and compelling overview of the story of all stories, the Bible.
Gen. 1-2; Lk. 24:1-13-35
December 29, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Andrew Lau
God sees the problem and He becomes part of the solution; the sacrifice God made for us must become our motive and driving force of our service.
2 Cor. 5:11-21
December 24, 2024
Series: 2024 Christmas Eve Service
Speaker: Kevin White
Join us at Cornerstone on December 24th for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
December 22, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Steve Shaw
This sermon unpacks two words that help us understand the biblical vision of “peace on earth” and why it matters for each of us, and for the whole world, both now and forever.
Luke 2:1-14
December 15, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Biblical peace isn’t the absence of problems, it’s the presence of Jesus
Phil 4:4-9
December 8, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Most of us understand peace as being the absence of conflict or being in a perpetual New Age-like state of tranquility, an anxiety & worry-free condition.
Eph 2:11-22
December 1, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Peter McCarroll
Looking at Col 3: 12-17 we look at Paul’s analogy of putting on clothing to see how we, through His strength, bring peace to those around us.
Col 3:12-17
November 24, 2024
Series: Prince of Peace
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Jesus is the Prince of Peace, born to ultimately bring God’s peace into this world, and into our lives as well.
Col 1:19-23, Rom 5:1-2
November 17, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Kevin White
This sermon aims to equip everyone with a deeper understanding of the challenges young people face and how to navigate them through a biblical lens.
November 10, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Steve Shaw
SERMON GUIDE JK - GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ This message explores the complex and sensitive topic of what the Bible teaches about same-sex sexuality from a historically Christian perspective.... read more
November 3, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
You are complete not when you find a spouse. You’re complete now because Jesus, the ultimate spouse has found you.
October 27, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Andrew Lau
The Bible talks about a grand, unifying story of marital love and Christ-followers are called to “speak the truth in love” and “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
October 20, 2024
Series: Biblical Sexuality
Speaker: Steve Shaw
“The Jesus Way” when it comes to sexuality is always that of both grace and truth.
October 13, 2024
Series: How Jesus Touches Lives
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Jesus’ offer of his friendship and unconditional love is most welcoming in our “high-tech/low-touch” world of relational famine!
Mark 6:30-44
October 6, 2024
Series: How Jesus Touches Lives
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
The church doesn’t exist for itself, we exist for the sake of others.
Mark 6:7-12
September 29, 2024
Series: How Jesus Touches Lives
Speaker: Steve Shaw
This sermon is the first of a miniseries in the gospel of Mark about how Jesus touches lives through us– people like you and me.
Mark 1:14-20; 3:31-34
September 22, 2024
Series: Vision Sunday 2024
Speaker: Executive Team
SERMON GUIDE JK - GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ In the second part of their annual two-part series of team talks, our Executive Team looks ahead at how Jesus is... read more
September 15, 2024
Series: Vision Sunday 2024
Speaker: Executive Team
Topic: Vision
In the first part of their annual two-part series of team talks, our Executive Team looks back and reflects on what Jesus has been doing at Cornerstone so far this year.
September 8, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Relationships
If you keep waiting to collect on the debt, your heart will only grow bitter.
Proverbs 10:12; 19:11
September 1, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Gordon Poon
Topic: Relationships
Who we are is profoundly shaped by the people we surround ourselves with.
Proverbs 13:20; 22:24-25
August 25, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Relationships
The effectiveness of a church’s mission is dependent on its unity. That’s why gossip is so dangerous – it always threatens our unity.
Proverbs 11:13; 17:9a; 20:19; 25:9-10; 10:18
August 18, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Relationships
When was the last time someone rebuked, corrected or disciplined you? How did you respond? Have you ever lovingly corrected someone else? The book of Proverbs has a great deal to say about this subject.
Proverbs 27:6, 17
August 11, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Relationships
This message explores the book of Proverbs to consider how pride hurts relationships, and how humility helps relationships.
Proverbs 22:4; 15:33
August 4, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Relationships
Arguments can be destructive to relationships. The antidote, self-control.
Proverbs 20:3, 17:14, 18:19, 15:18, 16:7, 14:29, 15:1
July 28, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Relationships
Attentive listening shows respect, nurtures trust, encourages rapport, and helps find common ground even in challenging conversations.
Proverbs 18: 2, 13
July 21, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Relationships
The impact of our words is a lot like defusing a bomb. Just as bomb experts carefully choose which wires to cut, we must carefully choose our words, as they hold the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Words can build up or tear down, bring joy or cause pain.
Proverbs 16:24; 18:21; 15:1-2
July 14, 2024
Series: Navigating Relationships
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Relationships
Wisdom is the skill that enables you to do relationships well.
Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; 3:5-6; 2:6
July 7, 2024
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
Nehemiah 12 celebrates the dedication of the walls and it would have been a great ending of the book. But why does it end with a sobering note of community reforms in Neh. 13?
Nehemiah 13
June 30, 2024
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
This sermon explores three characteristics of authentic commitment to God drawn from the pledge of obedience that God’s people make in Nehemiah chapter 10.
Nehemiah 10:1-12:47
June 23, 2024
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
Deep renewal requires honest confession.
Nehemiah 9:1-37
June 16, 2024
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
When people get a glimpse of God’s holy splendour and the Word is explained and understood, whatever personal hidden motives or self-serving reasons for participation in any venture will be revealed.
Nehemiah 8:1-18
June 9, 2024
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
In Nehemiah 6, enemy opposition to the rebuilding project in Jerusalem intensifies.
Nehemiah 6:1-19
June 2, 2024
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Transformation
In this message, we explore Nehemiah 5:1-19, where Nehemiah confronts internal strife among the Jews rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall.
Nehemiah 5:1-19
May 26, 2024
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
When we expect great things from God and attempt great things for God, it’s pretty much inevitable that at some point, we’ll come face to face with discouragement. How will we respond to it?
Nehemiah 4:1-23
May 19, 2024
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
Advancing God’s mission takes all of God’s people to actively engage and play their part.
Nehemiah 3:1-32
May 12, 2024
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
We will unpack 4 principles for Cornerstone as we seek God’s longer-term vision for the church, putting God’s mission before our own comfort and convenience.
Nehemiah 2:1-20
May 5, 2024
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
The sermon delves into Nehemiah’s story, highlighting prayerful alignment with God’s will and personal responsibility. It concludes with a call to prayer, reflection on the church’s vision, and active participation in God’s mission.
Nehemiah 1:1-11
April 28, 2024
Series: Relational Spaces
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Discipleship
This message explores the characteristics and impact of discipleship in the transparent space.
2 Tim 1:3 - 2:1-7
April 21, 2024
Series: Relational Spaces
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Discipleship
Relationships aren’t just the goal of discipleship, they’re also the context for discipleship.
Mark 4: 1-20; 10:35-45
April 14, 2024
Series: Relational Spaces
Speaker: Andrew Lau
The social spaces provide natural, human touch points for people to experience authentic relationships through small talks, socializing, and neighbourly interactions.
Mark 3:31-35, Luke 2:13-17
April 7, 2024
Series: Relational Spaces
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Discipleship
This sermon explores how Sunday worship services are especially set up to deliver two essential discipleship outcomes: 1) recalibration & renewal in Jesus; and 2) biblical teaching.
Heb 10:19-26, Acts 13:1-3
March 31, 2024
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Easter
The resurrection of Jesus means a new relationship, a new creation, and a new hope.
John 20:11-18
March 29, 2024
Our Good Friday Service is an engaging reflective service retracing the footsteps of Jesus leading up to the cross through the eyes of his disciple, Peter.
March 24, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Joy
Imagine if you had nothing to hide from God? From others? From yourself? Imagine the contented joy that you would feel?
Phil 4:10-23
March 17, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Joy
Our joy comes from knowing that God is in control; our peace comes from our identity and destiny in Christ.
Phil 4:2-9
March 10, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Joy
As followers of Jesus, God calls us to live counter-culturally as faithful citizens of heaven here on earth.
Phil 3:17-4:1
March 3, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Beth Nolson
Topic: Joy
When we rejoice in the lord we find Enduring Joy.
Phil 3:1-16
February 25, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Joy
We’re VULNERABLE when we fight alone but UNSTOPPABLE when we fight together.
Phil 2:19-30
February 18, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Bethany Nolson
Topic: Joy
When we live out our salvation and have the same attitude as Christ we shine Christ’s light into the world. As Christians, we are lights, but how brightly do we shine and how noticeable is our sparkle?
Phil 2:12-18
February 11, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Joy
In God’s Kingdom, the way up is down and the way down is up.
Phil 2:5-11
February 4, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Dave Dickson
SERMON GUIDE JK - GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ Jesus has done so much for us. What does he call us to in return? To bring Unselfish Joy to others... read more
Phil 2:1-4
January 28, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Joy
Scripture says we are to rejoice in the Lord always (see Philippians 4:4), but how is that possible when the pressure is on?
Phil 1:27-30
January 19, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Joy
Resilient joy, as we learn from Paul’s “joy stories”, is about God’s presence, provision, and power in and through the prayer support of God’s people and the enabling of the Holy Spirit.
Phil 1: 12-26
January 14, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Joy
Love is to be the defining quality of your life as a Christian.
Phil 1:9-11
January 5, 2024
Series: Journey into Joy
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Joy
Joy makes us hopeful and resilient even in the face of adverse circumstances.
Phil 1: 1-8
December 31, 2023
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Life is not about us getting the outcome we want but God working out His will with us in and through whatever circumstances.
December 22, 2023
Series: The Life Appeared
Speaker: Kevin White
God is okay with the messy, complicated unexpectedness of your lives. If you let him, he’ll enter right into it.
December 17, 2023
Series: The Life Appeared
Speaker: Steve Shaw
SERMON GUIDE JK–GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ It may not seem to mesh with tidings of peace on earth, but observe the Christmas story plotline, and you will see that... read more
1 John 3:1-10
December 10, 2023
Series: The Life Appeared
Speaker: Andrew Lau
In light of what our heart – the idol factory – is capable of producing, John’s teaching about Jesus being our Purifier is hopeful and life-giving.
1 John 1:5-2:2
December 3, 2023
Series: The Life Appeared
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Jesus doesn’t just offer you a better life; he offers you a new life. It’s a different kind of life. It’s not just an upgrade, it’s a whole operating system.
1 John 1:5-2:2
November 24, 2023
Series: State of the Union
Speaker: Executive Team
November 19, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Unity
Based on Romans 15:1-13, this sermon explores three keys for accepting one another across ethnic difference.
Romans 15:1-13
November 10, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Unity
The church as a community of unity in ethnic diversity is central to God’s plan of salvation.
Ephesians 2:10-22
November 5, 2023
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Unity
In order to advance an effective intercultural ministry in this metropolitan, pluralistic, multicultural environment, we must be a Jesus-centered, Spirit-enabled, prayer-sustained, and relational intelligent intercultural church because the multicultural world is in our “Jerusalem.”
Revelation 7:9-12
October 29, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
Generosity is being open to the people and the needs around you and then being obedient to what the Spirit is prompting you to do.
October 22, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
This sermon explores the connection between prayer and divine guidance in the book of Acts.
October 15, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
The books of Acts depicts many miraculous signs and wonders in connection with prayer.
October 9, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays, Baptism
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Baptism
We don’t become more thankful because we have more stuff – it comes from more awareness of God’s presence and his goodness.
September 29, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
Christian leaders are called to pray, and all of us are called to pray for Christian leaders!
September 24, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
There is no doubt that prayer is an integral part of church life and its group gatherings because it connects Jesus with His people who are sent to carry out kingdom work under His Spirit’s guidance and empowerment.
September 17, 2023
Series: A Church that Prays
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
Prayer is essential to doing God’s work. Because When we wait on God in prayer, God gives us the power we need to do his work.
September 10, 2023
Series: State of the Union
Speaker: Executive Team
A conversation by our Executive Team.
September 3, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
This sermon looks at the definition, dimensions and direction of the biblical virtue self-control, including a surprising discovery: Self-control requires us to have more desire, not less!
August 27, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
The world often sees gentleness, or meekness, as weakness. The Bible has a different view. Biblical gentleness is strength under control. God desires to cultivate in us the gentleness that we see in the life of Jesus. This sermon explores how gentleness enriches relationships, and it also describes practices that help cultivate gentleness in our lives.
August 20, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Transformation
August 13, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
The biblical virtue of goodness is about the fulfillment of purpose. Scripture makes it clear that God is the source of all goodness, so in order to grow in goodness, it’s important for us to understand and live in alignment with God’s purposes.
August 6, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
Early Christians were often referred to as “the kind ones”. Do we give people reason to refer to us in this way today?
July 30, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
Patience is not a sign of weakness but of strength to actively make positive progress in the most trying social or interpersonal circumstances; patience is to be manifested and sustained in our relationship with God, others, and self.
July 23, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
Jesus doesn’t tell us to be right, he tells us to be loving. Jesus didn’t say the world will know us by how right we are. He says the world will know us by our love.
July 16, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Bethany Nolson
Topic: Transformation
Biblical joy isn’t about our earthly wants and desires. It’s about desiring God and what God desires.
July 9, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
God’s love is active but it’s not just for our own personal benefits – He is on a mission to restore the whole cosmos.
July 2, 2023
Series: Marks of a Flourishing Life
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
When you make God the centre, the results are what Paul calls the fruit of the spirit. Fruit isn’t something you grow on your own. Fruit is something God does.
June 25, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
There are three possibilities in understanding spiritual warfare.
June 18, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
When you’re tempted, it feels like you’re standing at a crossroad and in front of you are two paths.
June 11, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
Philo of Alexandria – a Jewish contemporary philosopher in Jesus’ time – writes that “there has never been a single man who, by his own unassisted power, has run the whole course of his life, from the beginning to the end, without stumbling.”
June 4, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
To pray “for our daily bread” is to ask God to meet our daily needs, as well as the needs of others.
May 28, 2023
Speaker: Executive Team
May 21, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
In the gospels, Jesus’ miracles proved more than just show God’s power and God’s love. They proved that God’s kingdom had arrived. What does that kingdom look like?
May 14, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
The first thing Jesus teaches us to ask in the Lord’s Prayer is for God’s name to be “hallowed.”
May 7, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
When Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father “in heaven”, some think this means that God is distant, far removed from the realities and challenges of our everyday lives. However, the phrase “in heaven” actually means the exact opposite. It means that God is NEAR, and God is ABLE!
April 30, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
You and I are created for community, so when community breaks down, so do we.
April 23, 2023
Series: Pray Like Jesus
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
So what kind of Father is God like? Why should we pray to Abba Father? How should we pray to Him?
April 16, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
In teaching us to pray, Jesus gives us the framework that profoundly shaped his own incredible prayer life.
April 9, 2023
Series: Easter
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Christians believe that the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead actually took place, and is, in fact, the defining event of all history.
April 7, 2023
Series: Good Friday
We invite you to join us on Good Friday for an engaging reflective experience as we journey with Jesus, recalling the events of His last week leading up to his... read more
April 2, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Lust
Lust turns sex into an idol. It turns a good gift from God into something that is selfish, addictive, and driven by fantasy.
March 26, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Gluttony
What if most of the gluttons among us are not those who tip the scales, but the average Christian consumer? Can the health-food eaters and the gourmets be as gluttonous as the junk-food junkies?”
March 19, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Greed
Drawing from Jesus’ teaching in Luke 12, this sermon unpacks three prayers to combat greed.
March 12, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Sloth
The fact that you are known and loved by Jesus is the most important thing about you.
March 5, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Anger
Anger is an emotional force that wells up within you when something blocks the way to a goal you desire.
February 26, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Envy
The best way to define “envy” is this: Weeps when the other celebrates; Celebrates when the other weeps.
February 19, 2023
Series: Taming the Monster Within
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Pride is a cancer to your soul. If left undiagnosed and untreated, it will destroy you.
February 12, 2023
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Joy
This story is really an invitation to be like the Father: To love others in the same way your Heavenly Father has loved you.
February 5, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Joy
This sermon on Philippians 4:1-8 explores three choices that lead to joy.
January 29, 2023
Speaker: Keegan Kalideen
Topic: Joy
Jesus promises to fill us with His deep ocean of joy as we slow down to abide in His love.
January 22, 2023
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Joy
Joy grasps the truth that God is at work even in most trying circumstances, whether one is aware or unaware of it: God does His best work in the worst places and shows His amazing grace in the worst time.
January 15, 2023
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Joy
Joy is about what you focus on.
January 8, 2023
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Joy
God is inviting us to find new strength in the joy of the Lord.
December 30, 2022
Series: What Lies Ahead
Speaker: Kevin White
We are all at different parts of our journey with God. Some have been at it for a long time, others for a little bit and maybe some others feel like you haven’t even started yet.
December 24, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Steve Shaw
We find hopeful resilience in Jesus’ “epiphnaies” (his first appearing at Christmas and his future appearing when he returns to earth), because they offer us with a story to guide us, and a promise to strengthen us.
December 16, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Andrew Lau
As we continue in this Advent season, we are reminded that the coming or appearing of God-in-flesh in Jesus is a grace-shaped mission.
December 11, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
We certainly can’t save ourselves by the worst things we do. We can’t even save ourselves by the best things we do.
December 4, 2022
Series: Christmas Unwrapped
Speaker: Steve Shaw
In this message, we see how God’s “epiphany” (appearance) in Christ involves a timely rescue, and we consider what that means, who it’s for, and how to pray in light of it.
November 27, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Executive Team
Topic: Transformation
November 20, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
God is extremely interested in how you handle your money. Why? It’s not because he needs it. It all belongs to him anyway.
November 13, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
Every faith-filled giving transforms our otherwise ordinary relationship with God into an extraordinary adventure
November 6, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Keegan Kalideen
Topic: Transformation
God – in Jesus – “moved into the neighborhood”, and sends us, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to go forth and do likewise.
October 30, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Transformation
We trust that the Lord will add to our number those who are being saved. Those who are being rescued.
October 23, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
When we commit to sharing meals together, Jesus, the Lord of the Table, gets into the midst of our table fellowship by his Spirit, and works in powerful ways to unite us together as a church family, and to draw outsiders to himself.
October 16, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
Prayer is the first thing we should do but it’s often the last thing we try. For many of us, our first instinct is to do it on our own.
October 9, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
It’s freeing to realize that sharing your faith is both a PROCESS and a PARTNERSHIP.
October 2, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
All of us need to show up and be ready to worship together on Sunday for sure – but every day of the week is a dress rehearsal for the peak moment of corporate gathering, when we celebrate God and enable each other to have fresh encounters with the Almighty.
September 25, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
If you’re serious about growing in your faith, you need to be in a group. You need community.
September 18, 2022
Series: Marks of a Thriving Church
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
To be “devoted to the apostles’ teaching” (see Acts 2:42) is to be committed to learn, love, and live the counsel of the whole Bible.
September 11, 2022
Series: Start With Why
Speaker: Executive Team
September 4, 2022
Series: Jesus Encounters
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
When you really blow it, what do you do? Peter’s encounter with Jesus in John 21 is an invitation for us to run to Jesus for healing and restoration when we fail.
August 28, 2022
Series: Jesus Encounters
Speaker: Keegan Kalideen
Topic: Jesus
In the brief portraits of her encounters with Jesus, Mary exemplifies the anatomy of a worshiper: a single-minded, wholehearted, all-in devotion to pleasing Jesus.
August 21, 2022
Series: Jesus Encounters
Speaker: Bethany Nolson
Topic: Jesus
Journeying with the Samaritan woman at the well, we see how Jesus meets us right where we are and how he points us towards healing.
August 14, 2022
Series: Jesus Encounters
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
But Jesus had said to the crowd, “Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone at her.”
August 7, 2022
Series: Jesus Encounters
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
What thoughts and feelings come to you when you hear the term “born-again Christian”? In this sermon, we get beyond stereotypes and learn what Jesus really meant when he said to Nicodemus “you must be born again.”
July 31, 2022
Series: Faith Heroes
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Faith
We can get anxious over decisions that happen around us that we can’t control. We can choose to trust God in the middle of stuff that seems out of control.
July 24, 2022
Series: Faith Heroes
Speaker: Keegan Kalideen
Topic: Faith
When faced with the bitterness of loss, Ruth discovered that God’s love was working behind the scenes to redeem and restore her to an unimaginable place in His story.
July 17, 2022
Series: Faith Heroes
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Faith
The desert is the place where God speaks. It’s where he meets us, it’s where he heals us. God does his very best work in the desert.
July 10, 2022
Series: Faith Heroes
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Faith
David played a significant role in the story of God’s cosmic redemption – he’s a fascinating character from whom we can learn much about faith.
July 3, 2022
Series: Faith Heroes
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Faith
It’s not that God imparted special strength to Israel so they could stand against the Egyptian army. Instead God himself WAS their strength.
June 26, 2022
Series: Faith Heroes
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Faith
In this message from Genesis 22, we learn three lessons from Abraham that can help us face a crisis: Get to know God personally. Choose God over outcomes. Fix your eyes on Jesus.
June 19, 2022
Series: Celebration of Men
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Celebrate
We see a healthy masculinity manifested in the full humanity of Jesus, in his gentle, compassionate relational and emotional engagement with people.
June 10, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Vision
The church is the people of God who advance God’s mission and demonstrate the character of God through their lives and service.
June 5, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Vision
Perhaps the most fundamental reason why it’s important to cultivate a
leadership development culture is that the people of the church are called to lead the world to Jesus. -
May 29, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Vision
One of the study Bibles I read said that disciple was the most popular term for early believers.
May 22, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Vision
Biblical hospitality is all about welcoming the stranger. When we risk hospitality, we open ourselves to God.
May 15, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Vision
God is a missionary God – His love flows out of His character and expresses itself in the most practical and tangible manner.
May 8, 2022
Series: Celebration of Women
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Celebrate
Jesus has done more to elevate women than any movement in human history. His attitude toward women was revolutionary back then and it still is today.
May 1, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Vision
Unity-in-Diversity is one of Cornerstone’s Core Values, and it’s vitally important to the church’s life and witness to the world.
April 24, 2022
Series: Distinct
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Vision
In this message, you’ll hear examples of how the practice of thinking theologically has been such a critically important distinctive for Cornerstone over the years, and why it matters for your life as well.
April 17, 2022
Speaker: Andrew Lau
The resurrection of Jesus reclaims peace amidst turmoil and trumpets important life-giving messages we all need to hear.
April 15, 2022
Series: Good Friday
Speaker: Steve Shaw
April 10, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Lent
God is calling you to be a leader and to be humble. Humble leaders depend on God.
April 3, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Lent
In this message on 1 Peter 4:7-11, we explore Peter’s declaration that, “The end of all things is near.”
March 27, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Lent
SERMON NOTESSERMON GUIDESERMON GUIDE JK-GRADE 2SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ For as long as there have been people, there have been questions about suffering. Why does it happen? Why does God... read more
March 20, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Lent
Unity is being like-minded around the person of Jesus and his command to love one another.
March 13, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Keegan Kalideen
Topic: Lent
When the going gets tough and you face the resistance of unbelief and suffering, remember that you were once on the other side and that Jesus calls you to do for others what He did for you.
March 6, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Lent
Like the early Christ-followers we are just as stretched, living in the midst of uncertainty, apprehensive and anxious about what lies ahead, and our faith is being tested in every which way on a daily basis.
February 27, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Lent
What comes to mind when you think of holiness?
February 20, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Lent
Hope is crucial in a world that is marked by suffering.
February 13, 2022
Series: When The Going Gets Tough
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Lent
You are an exile. Which means, you’re not home. Your life here on earth will be uncomfortable, it will be hard. Why?
February 6, 2022
Series: Start With Why
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Vision
As we continue to advance the mission, we will – we must – fix our eyes on Jesus: look at HIM intently, watch HIM, not Satan or any opposition, not the crowd, not the circumstances, not ourselves.
January 30, 2022
Series: Start With Why
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Vision
In living out our mission of making space for Jesus, we must start with ourselves.
January 23, 2022
Series: Start With Why
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Vision
God calls us to embrace people of all backgrounds, just like Jesus did.
January 16, 2022
Series: A Reflective Pause
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Reflections
Members of Cornerstone’s Ministry Staff Team look back on God’s faithfulness to them.
January 9, 2022
Series: A Reflective Pause
Speaker: Executive Team
Topic: Reflections
How does the story of Jesus shape our focus and priorities as a church at such a time as this?
January 2, 2022
Series: A Reflective Pause
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Reflections
Hear God’s invitation to renew your perspective, hope and strength even in the midst of the sufferings and challenges you’re facing.
December 26, 2021
Series: Advent - The Light Has Come
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Jesus
Left on its own, the world just can’t find solutions to it’s problems. The world is a dark place and we can’t find our way unless Jesus is our light (Tim Keller).
December 24, 2021
Series: Advent - The Light Has Come
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Christmas
This Christmas Eve devotional from Colossians is a reminder of the sheer wonder of the Christmas message.
December 19, 2021
Series: Advent - The Light Has Come
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Love
In the season of Advent leading up to Christmas we celebrate how the birth of a baby so long ago brought Hope, Peace, Joy and Love to this world that is so desperately seeking them.
December 12, 2021
Series: Advent - The Light Has Come
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Joy
Christmas is a declaration that the true Saviour is here and his name is Jesus. He is the Son of God, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
December 5, 2021
Series: Advent - The Light Has Come
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Sometimes we’re inclined to think that if only we could somehow control our circumstances, then we’d have peace.
November 28, 2021
Series: Advent - The Light Has Come
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Hope is embracing the certainty of God’s promised future that shapes how we live in the present.
November 21, 2021
Series: Justice in Jesus
Speaker: Allison Alley
Topic: Justice
God calls the global body of Christ to be united in joining God in his mission of justice and compassion.
November 14, 2021
Series: Justice in Jesus
Speaker: Jennifer Guest
Topic: Justice
Sometimes we may believe that justice only comes through big moments or victories, but justice most often comes through the intentional everyday actions of those who are leaning into God’s call to love God and love others.
November 7, 2021
Series: Justice in Jesus
Speaker: Bethany Nolson
Topic: Justice
We do not want justice to just be something we do, we want it to be a point of transformation that comes into our hearts, our church, our community, and our culture.
October 31, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Hope
Justice is possible because Jesus experienced injustice himself.
October 24, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Hope
Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (see John 18:37-38a)
October 17, 2021
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Hope
There is an in-born desire and ability for every person to relate beyond self, to others, to the whole cosmos, and ultimately to God.
October 10, 2021
Series: Thanksgiving
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is our way of acknowledging God’s goodness. We thank God for his gifts. But more importantly, we thank God for being the great Gift Giver.
October 3, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Hope
This message explores the theme of beauty from the perspective of John’s gospel, where we learn of the beauty of God’s presence in Jesus, as well as the beauty of creation’s renewal through Jesus.
September 26, 2021
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Hope
Jesus never abuses or abdicates His absolute power but exercises divine power as God intended, i.e., as a signpost of hope in a suffering world.
September 19, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Hope
Deep down we think freedom means being free to do whatever I want. To live without rules or restrictions. We think that’s freedom! But that has nothing to do with freedom at all.
September 12, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Hope
In this message, we discover how John’s gospel uses the images of a temple, a towel and a tree to point us to the love that our hearts most need– a love that gives us hope in a suffering world.
September 5, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Peter McCarroll
Topic: Identity
You are more than your past – you are also shaped by your future. When you have a clear vision of your future, with certainty and faith in it’s reality, it has a way of reaching back to the present and drawing you into it.
August 29, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Identity
Life forces us all to ask ourselves again and again – who am I? What do I believe? What do I stand for? What are my boundaries? For most of us, the last two years… this pandemic forced us to change.
August 22, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Identity
In Christ, some boundaries get REMOVED and others get REINFORCED. Both are foundational to your identity as a follower of Jesus, and to the kind of life you’re called to live every day.
August 15, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Identity
As we continue in this series about our identity, take a moment to consider that your actions are the part of your identity that most reveals to the world who you are – they are the outworking of everything else that you are.
August 8, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Identity
Your commitments SHOW your sense of identity. They reveal the sense of identity that you’re trying to build your life on.
August 1, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Identity
The truth is, Satan is trying to steal your identity. He plants lies in your mind. And then he gets you to repeat them to yourself until you think they’re true. That’s when you lose your identity.
July 25, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Identity
Life is all about relationships – we breathe, drink, eat, digest, and dream about relationships; we are dealing with different kinds of relationships 24/7 – family, relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbours, etc.
July 18, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Identity
Our personal history reveals our identity. Both nature and nurture play an integral part of the formation and development of our identity.
July 11, 2021
Series: Who God Says You Are
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Identity
Today, we’re going to talk about identity and our bodies. How many of you know that our culture is obsessed with our bodies? You are more than your body. Your significance doesn’t come from your looks, your size or your fitness. It comes from you identity in Christ.
July 4, 2021
Series: Discipleship: 4 Perspectives
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Discipleship
True belief in Jesus is what makes a true disciple. But what does it mean to believe?
June 27, 2021
Series: Discipleship: 4 Perspectives
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Discipleship
We will look at Luke’s understanding of discipleship, Following the Way of the Cross. Luke focuses on Jesus’ identity and what His mission is.
June 20, 2021
Series: Discipleship: 4 Perspectives
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Discipleship
This passage is about greatness. Jesus says if you want to be great, then you must be a servant. Notice he doesn’t say you must serve. Serving is what you do: helping others, meeting a need, providing care – these are all things God wants you to do.
June 13, 2021
Series: Discipleship: 4 Perspectives
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Discipleship
Matthew’s take on discipleship is that disciples are close companions of Jesus. In fact, the very heart of discipleships is to stay close to Jesus.
June 6, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Jesus
As disciples of Jesus, you and I are called to bring healing to a hurting world. But what if the person who needs healing is you? What if the person who’s hurting is you?
May 30, 2021
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Jesus
God had a plan all the way from the beginning to restore the broken relationships between us and God and us and each other.
May 23, 2021
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Jesus
We will look at Explore Jesus’ Call to Life Mission: These are spaces for discovering Jesus’ unique callings on our lives.
May 16, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
EMBODY It’s all about putting Jesus commands into practice – it’s about embodying – actually living out – the way of life Jesus has taught us.
May 9, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Jesus
The single most important thing about us is who God says we are in Jesus. Your sense of identity determines how you approach life. Only in Jesus will you find the unconditional love and security that frees you to become the real you.
May 2, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
Are you a Fan or Follower? Which are you? Jesus isn’t looking for a fan. He’s looking for a follower – for disciples. Are you ready to follow?
April 25, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Life Change
The late British Bible scholar John Stott says that the problem of evil and suffering “undoubtedly constitutes the single greatest challenge to the Christian faith.”
April 18, 2021
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Life Change
There are no easy but competing answers to the question “What Happens When I Die?” Some don’t have an answer and pledge agnostic, for example, the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius, was asked a similar question and answered, “If we don’t know life, how can we know death.”
April 11, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Life Change
So what is the purpose of life? If you don’t know your purpose, you can’t reach your potential. You can’t honour your life and you’ll likely abuse it.
April 4, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
At sunrise on Easter morning, three women came to Jesus' tomb wondering, “Who will roll away the stone?" (Mark 16:3) Their question becomes a vital question for all of us. Who... read more
April 2, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
"A man's biography ought really to begin not with his birth but with his death; it can be written only from the point of view of its end, because only... read more
March 28, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Peter McCarroll
Topic: Transformation
Jesus asked "What do you want me to do for you?" not once, but twice. But it's a trick question! This question seems to incorporate all of the other questions that... read more
March 21, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Transformation
Direct, honest, and to the point, Jesus constantly challenged how people thought about him. He also corrected their ideas about what following him should look like--as many times as he needed to until they... read more
March 14, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
30 They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were, 31 because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is... read more
March 7, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
We live in an era of consumer Christianity where all too often, churches and preachers misrepresent what it means to follow Jesus by talking about the Christian life from a... read more
February 28, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
[sharethis-inline-buttons] Who Do You Say I Am? Jesus asks us the same question he asked his disciples: "Who do you say I am?" (Mark 8:29) It's a crucial question, because... read more
February 21, 2021
Series: Jesus Has Questions For You
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
[sharethis-inline-buttons] Do You See Anything? Great questions are thought provoking and can shape our lives; they force us to process information and to develop new ways of seeing reality; they... read more
February 14, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
In the 1920s and 30s, John Rockefeller was the richest person in the world. He founded the Standard Oil Company and owned 90% of all the oil and gas industries. ... read more
February 7, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Beth Nolson
Topic: Transformation
Hospitality is an ancient and vital biblical practice that Jesus calls us to live out today. But what exactly is hospitality? Some of you might imagine dinners in elegant homes,... read more
January 31, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Transformation
In Mark 10:35-45 Jesus is teaching them that it’s not about position for the sake of power. The Romans were in power and they used their position to exert power over... read more
January 24, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
You can’t expect to grow as a follower of Jesus without learning, loving, and living the Bible. But how many of us are actually doing that, or at least moving... read more
January 17, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Transformation
Fasting is not a popular conversation topic and I can assure you, when I am holding a bowl of Ruffles, I think more about whether I should or shouldn’t leave... read more
January 10, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Transformation
Give us today our daily bread. (v. 11). This petition is about our needs. Daily bread isn’t just about your food or paycheque. Daily bread represents all of your needs - your physical,... read more
January 3, 2021
Series: Realign Your Life
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Transformation
In this series introduction, we explore 2 Timothy 2:1-13, and consider two aspects of how to follow Jesus faithfully in difficult times. Also, this message gives you a series preview.... read more
December 27, 2020
Series: Songs of Christmas
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Christmas
Are you in need of the Saviour this season? Follow Anna’s example. Don’t let pain drive us into isolation and depression. Have continuous contact with God. Keep on worshipping Jesus... read more
December 20, 2020
Series: Songs of Christmas
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Christmas
In Luke's account of the first Christmas, the birth of Jesus is mentioned almost as if in passing (see Luke 1:6-7a). The song of the angels announcing the glories of... read more
December 13, 2020
Series: Songs of Christmas
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Christmas
Simeon, probably an old man, would definitely know something about waiting a long time for what he desired all his life. While he was holding the baby Jesus, the promised... read more
December 6, 2020
Series: Songs of Christmas
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Christmas
In Zechariah’s day, who was the most powerful man in the world? Caesar. The Jews were living under his rule. This was a reminder that all was not right in the world.... read more
November 29, 2020
Series: Songs of Christmas
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Christmas
When young Mary learns from the angel Gabriel that she would miraculously become the mother of the Christ child, she responds with a powerful song (see Luke 1:46-56) that has remarkable... read more
Luke 1:46-56
November 22, 2020
Series: Vision Series
Speaker: Executive Team
Topic: Vision
Reflections from the Executive Team on the 2020 ministry year, and how God is leading Cornerstone into 2021.
November 15, 2020
Series: Vision Series
Speaker: Executive Team
Topic: Vision
Reflections from the Executive Team on the 2020 ministry year, and how God is leading Cornerstone into 2021.
November 8, 2020
Series: The "We" Factor
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Community
We need to Keep Meeting Together. The writer of Hebrews says, let us… not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing… (v. 24-25) The Greek word here for “meeting”... read more
November 1, 2020
Series: The "We" Factor
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Community
Ministry is a common term for serving God, but when many people hear it, what do they think of? They think of a pastor or a priest. A professional clergy... read more
October 25, 2020
Series: The "We" Factor
Speaker: Peter McCarroll
Topic: Community
Paul tells the church at Ephesus to "live a life worthy of the calling you have received." What calling is that? Ephesians 3 tells us that this "calling" is to... read more
October 18, 2020
Series: The "We" Factor
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Community
It is not good for us to be alone (see Gen. 2:18)— for us to be isolated from other human beings. Why? Because you and I have been created for community.... read more
October 11, 2020
Series: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Jesus
Victor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist believed that having purpose gives you strength to persevere through adversity. As a Holocaust survivor he saw this first-hand. He saw suffering and pain at... read more
October 4, 2020
Series: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Jesus
In the midst of challenging and uncertain times, where do we look for help to carry us through? At Cornerstone, our Bedrock Statement reminds us to "Fix our eyes on... read more
September 27, 2020
Series: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
An article by David Kinnaman of the Barna research group was recently published, highlighting the fact that this pandemic has only served to exacerbate the deep relational problems that people in our society had already been dealing... read more
September 20, 2020
Series: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Jesus
Since March, there’s widespread economic uncertainty, steady stream of collective anxiety, intensified racial tension, growing angst in interpersonal relationships, increasing numbers of divorce, frequent report of domestic violence, and sustained... read more
September 13, 2020
Series: Baptism
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Baptism
Baptism is an essential part of making disciples of Jesus, and of being a disciple of Jesus—someone who follows Jesus as Master in every aspect of life. Baptism, therefore, isn’t... read more
September 6, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Spirituality
You can’t be spiritually healthy and emotionally unhealthy at the same time. During this series, we have said that same message every week and presented a different tool that can... read more
August 30, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Spirituality
SERMON NOTES | STUDY GUIDE | SERMON GUIDE JK-GRADE 2 | SERMON GUIDE GRADE 3+ The message of Christianity is that death doesn’t have the final word. Life comes out... read more
August 23, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Spirituality
SERMON NOTES | STUDY GUIDE Sabbath-keeping is a prominent commandment in scripture. In fact, it made God's top-ten list! Still, many Christians today go about our lives as if Sabbath-keeping... read more
August 16, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Spirituality
As the Christian philosopher Kierkegaard says, the true vocation for every human being is the will to become oneself. It’s counter-cultural, to be sure, but limits are my friend –... read more
August 9, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Spirituality
God doesn’t desert us because of our struggles, weaknesses and imperfection, but often we are the ones who give up on God in the moment of crisis. We cover up... read more
August 2, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Spirituality
What pains in your life are waiting to be acknowledged and grieved? Look at what Joseph says in Genesis 45:7 (NLT) God has sent me ahead of you to keep... read more
July 26, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Spirituality
Jesus could endure the storm because he claimed his identity repeatedly. In his three years of public ministry, Jesus often got away to pray and centre himself in his identity.... read more
July 19, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Dave Dickson
Topic: Spirituality
Human beings are complicated creatures designed and created by God to reflect his glory. Our lives consist of many things, including physical, intellectual, social, spiritual and emotional components. These different... read more
July 12, 2020
Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Spirituality
Many people are often unaware they are carrying some emotional baggage of past hurt that is negatively shaping their thinking, feelings, and behaviors as well as inhibiting their spiritual growth... read more
July 5, 2020
Series: A Reflective Pause
Speaker: Worship
Topic: Reflections
Stories of Hope and Connecting in Changing Times
June 28, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Love
At the second coming of Jesus, God’s saving purposes in Christ will be brought to completion, and at that point, the gifts and the means now necessary for building up... read more
June 21, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Love
Although there are different nuances of this Greek word “to bear”, the term denotes the sense of a covering, like a roof that protects and keeps off something which threatens,... read more
June 14, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Love
It’s hard for us to love people when they’ve hurt us and when they don’t deserve it. Because it’s just not fair! But look at Jesus. Jesus loves people he... read more
June 7, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Love
When Paul says love is not easily angered, he means that as you grow in the agape love of Jesus, you’re going to become a person who isn’t readily provoked... read more
May 31, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Love
SELFLESS LOVE DOESN’T MAKE EXCUSES Don’t forget the selfless love that Jesus showed you – without excuses. And then show that same love to others – without excuses. Selfless love... read more
May 24, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Love
Biblically speaking, rudeness has to do with acting toward others in a way that is unbecoming, inconsiderate, or dismissive. Life minus love equals zero and love, says Paul, is not rude (see 1... read more
May 17, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Love
The truth of the matter is this: pride and love can’t coexist because love doesn’t focus on self - it is not boastful or proud. But in pride we are... read more
May 10, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Love
Envy is a comparison game that sees life as a competition. But Jesus doesn’t call you to beat your competition. Jesus calls you to love your neighbour as yourself. But you can’t love... read more
May 3, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Love
Without question, God's love is kind and selfless. Even though most of us are much more comfortable with the idea of giving help than receiving it, at times we may... read more
April 26, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Love
You’ll never grow in patience apart from prayer. Author Henri Nouwen explains in his excellent book Compassion, that patience is closely connected with prayer. As the Bible says in Romans 12:12, "Be... read more
April 19, 2020
Series: Love Is
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Love
In this series, we will unpack the Bible's famous "love chapter" (1Corinthians 13) verse-by-verse, and phrase-by-phrase, to discover more of what God's love is. As we "make space for Jesus"... read more
April 12, 2020
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Hope
April 10, 2020
Speaker: Steve Shaw
During this COVID-19 season of our life, we hear phrases like; social distancing, self-isolation, flattening the curve. But what is especially interesting is that in unprecedented times, secular leaders, and... read more
April 5, 2020
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Jeremiah talks about a tree planted by the water (Jer 17:8). What’s surprising about this tree is that it can thrive not only when times are good but also when... read more
March 29, 2020
Speaker: Kevin White
This story shows us that God does care. God cares so much that he sent Jesus to be with us. He sent Jesus to be with us in the storm.... read more
March 22, 2020
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Psalm 46: Confident Composure in Chaos You and I need to be reminded that this pandemic has done nothing to change the fact that God is still our “refuge” –... read more
February 23, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
As believers engaged in the reality of spiritual battle, we… read more
February 16, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
Jesus didn’t mince his words when He told the disciples… read more
February 9, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
Unless we’re rooted in our identity in Christ, we won’t… read more
February 2, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Peter McCarroll
Topic: Prayer
Almost all of Paul’s prayers include Thanksgiving. But exactly what… read more
January 26, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
In Ephesians 6:10-17, Paul uses a metaphor to speak about all the… read more
January 19, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Prayer
David Benner writes (Surrender to Love, p. 85): “The point of… read more
January 12, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Prayer
Knowing someone isn’t about information, it’s about relationship. In the… read more
January 5, 2020
Series: Paul's School of Prayer
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Prayer
The very heart and soul of Paul’s prayer (see Colossians… read more
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