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Dana I Got Baptized

I came to know Jesus just over a year ago at the end of 2022. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, but I did attend catholic school for a few years and went to church periodically during that time. However, I never felt like I had a relationship with Jesus. For over 25 years I was heavily involved in the new age movement and occult practices. I delved into witchcraft, astrology, mediumship, tarot cards and several other false teachings. I always believed in God but these practices taught me to believe I was God. I was led astray and believed I was the perfect center of the universe and that sin did not exist.

My dad, who also practiced new age occultism for many years, had recently converted and became a Christian. He would constantly say to me all I need in my life is Jesus and the bible. He would warn me that all my practices and beliefs were demonic and harmful. I chose to ignore his warnings, continued worshipping myself and idolizing others, believing all paths lead to God. It wasn’t until November of 2022, after a conversation with my brother about Christianity, that I came to know Jesus. He saved me from the deception I was living in. God’s grace softened my heart in that moment and I felt the need to read the bible for the first time. Within the first few pages I instantly knew it was the Word of God and everything in it was the Truth I had been seeking. I threw out all my new age books and trinkets of deceit. I also threw away the belief that I was the hero and saviour of the story. I finally accepted that I needed a saviour and am so grateful Jesus is He.

I now understood the verse my dad would always repeat to me when Jesus said : “I am the way, the truth and the life; nobody comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) I was baptized as a child but didn’t understand the purpose. I’m here today, as an adult, wanting to be baptized because I want to show my obedience and declare my faith to the Living God. I want to thank God for being patient with me and for my gently guiding me to Him. I’m also thankful for my family for steering me in the right direction after fumbling in the dark for so many years.