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My relationship with Christianity hasn’t always been a smooth one. I started out Catholic, but attended Presbyterian church mostly throughout my childhood. I was the kind of kid that got kicked out of Sunday school 3 times for being too curious. After some years I completely turned away from God and blamed him for my troubles. And in my teens I had it all figured out, of course – God doesn’t exist and the Bible is a bunch of stories designed to make me conform. (Nobel Prize winning theory)

Fast forward to 2023 (21 years later) – I went into it like any other year, determined to hit goals and achieve new heights with my career. I’m in control of my fate. I got this. Little did I know this year would be vastly different. Not only did I hit brick wall after brick wall at work, with no recognition for my wins, my family and personal life started to suffer. My relationship with my wife, kids and family began deteriorating fast and within this stress, overwhelm and exhaustion working 10, 12 and 14 hr days and helping to care for young kids I became consumed with addiction and depression.

Not even aware of the danger I was in, it all came to a head when at the beginning of 2024 I got fired – lost the promotion I was promised at work, the bonus I was promised, my reputation was ruined, I nearly lost my dog, and probably came close to losing my family as well…all within a couple of months.

With nothing able to provide me happiness I had given up on the very idea of getting it. In fact, throughout my entire life I realize I’d NEVER been happy. I felt like it just wasn’t for me. I was under a trance unable to see a way out and in a sense stopped trying to fight through.

In the midst of this and my selfishness and my sinning, in a split second I saw the darkness for what it was and received a calling in the form of a single word…”run.” As if my body took over and wearing a new set of goggles to see the ugly world around me I fled. It was then followed by another word…”Jenn” (my wife), and then another…”home.”

Not so long after I ran into someone outside my kids daycare – his name is Kyle and he’s with us here today. Turns out Kyle grew up around me just a couple years older, not much different from me in fact, and we knew some of the same people. I mentioned I’d been looking for a Church for the last 3 years and he recommended I check out this place called Cornerstone. I was there the very next Sunday and completely blown away by the graciousness of everyone I met. The community I’d been longing for after being in this area for over 10 years was right under my nose. The Lord placed the exact person I needed in my life at the exact moment I needed it.

And this is only a few examples of the many miracles he’s worked in my life in just the last 8 or so weeks. Since then He’s filled my life with everything I need and completely opened my eyes to His power. I’m truly happy for the first time in my life.

It’s because of this that I wanted to get baptized. But I felt in a sense unworthy, like I can’t live up to Jesus’ expectations. It was through reaching out to Cornerstone and speaking to Pastor Jeremy that I gained the strength I needed and confidence to know that I could be forgiven. It is repentance through Baptism that God has called me to take the next step in my journey – to wash away my sins before I can truly walk the path. I think of myself as an infant of Christ beginning my journey, preparing to stand firm when tested down the road.

So today I herein give my whole self to Jesus Christ; despite all my faults to follow in His footsteps as best I can. To surround myself with His people and live a life of peace and love and to study and spread the gospel from here on out as long as I walk this Earth.

In closing I want to thank a few key people that helped me get to this point; my father for being a man of faith (your prodigal son has returned, Dad); my wife Jenn for carrying my burdens on her back, while she cared for our kids and home; my grandmother Gloria for always preaching God’s word even though I didn’t want to hear it; my grandparents Theo and Phyllis Black, who are not with us anymore, for being a true example of putting God first in marriage (married X years strong); Kyle for being an open book and bringing me into his life; Pastor Jeremy and Cornerstone for being the community I need to walk shoulder to shoulder with.

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble; he cares for those who trust in him.” – Nahum 1:7

“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourself to be innocent in this matter.” – 2 Corintheans 7:10-11

“But you are a shield around me, O Lord: you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill.” – Psalm 3:3-4