Cornerstone's Baptisms
Sunday, April 20, 2025
If you would like to be baptized, please complete this inquiry form by April 7, 2025 and one of our pastors will connect with you.
At Cornerstone, we practice believers baptism (rather than infant baptism). We have a special Child Dedication service for families to dedicate their child(ren) and express their commitment to raising them in the faith. Visit our Child Dedication page for more information.
Why should you get baptized?
The main reason is Jesus commanded his followers in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go and Make disciples of all nations baptizing them…”
When you get Baptized
It publicly tells others that you’re a follower of Jesus. Think of it like the ‘wedding ring’ of Christian life that expresses your commitment to Jesus Christ
It typically follows a personal choice to believe in Jesus as your Saviour and Master. This New Testament practice of baptism is summed up in Acts 2:41 “Those who believed… were baptized…”
It provides a picture of ‘dying’ to our old life and ‘rising’ to live a new life in Jesus, a symbol of Jesus dying and rising again. This image is talked about in Colossians 2:12 “For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to a new life…”
Reasons You Might Want to be Baptized
You’re a follower of Jesus who has never been baptized.
You were baptized as a baby, but wish to reaffirm those baptismal vows as an adult who has made a personal choice to follow Jesus.
If you’d like a better understanding of what baptism is all about, please study and reflect on our Baptism Guide. After you’ve reviewed the guide, and would like to be baptized or learn more about baptism, please complete the Baptism Inquiry form above.
“I felt like God was nudging me to do something. During a Sunday service, I felt like I was alone in the room and God was talking to me, telling me to take that step.”
“I understand now that I need to die to my egocentric world-dictates daily in order to walk the right path.”
“Understanding this truth took so much weight off of my shoulders because all I had to do was stop depending on myself and depend on Jesus.”