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Zechariah’s Song

December 6, 2020

Topic: Christmas

In Zechariah’s day, who was the most powerful man in the world?  Caesar.  The Jews were living under his rule.  This was a reminder that all was not right in the world.

After all, God had promised Abraham to make him into a great nation.

But God tells gives Zechariah that he’s about to do a new thing.

He has sent us a mighty Savior… we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us. (Luke 1:69)

In other words, although things look really bad right now, hope is coming.  God is sending a saviour.  Even though Caesar might be Emperor, God is sitting on the throne.

How many of us need that reminder today?  Just a month ago, the U.S. held its presidential elections.  Many people believed that if a certain candidate won, the country would be ruined.  Many people believed that if the other candidate won, the country would be ruined.

The truth is, we don’t know what will happen to the U.S.  We don’t know what will happen with the pandemic.  But we do know that regardless of who’s in office or how the curve is going – God is still on his throne.

God is still in control.  And God is still moving history towards his intended purposes.

That’s why Paul says, he makes everything work out according to his plan. (Ephesians 1:11)