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Wisdom for Relationships

July 14, 2024

Topic: Relationships

Scripture: Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; 3:5-6; 2:6

After the Fall, sin entered the world and damaged all relationships. Relationships that were meant to be life-giving are now broken.

We see this in Genesis 3. Humans used to walk with God in the garden. They used to trust him and obey him. But now when they hear God, what do they do? They run and hide. Why? Because they’re afraid.

Humans used to be naked and feel no shame. But now what do they do? They sew fig leaves to cover up. Why? Because they’re ashamed. Now, because of their brokenness, they blame each other, they attack each other, they hurt each other. In other words, we make a mess of our relationships.

Maybe you talk at each other but no one listens.

Maybe you use words to hurt others.

Maybe you get angry and lash out.

How many of you can relate? Your relationships have been hard. You feel broken and hurt. You’re tired and drained. You’re cynical and jaded. And all the while you feel empty – why? Because deep down you long for meaningful connections but you’re frustrated because you don’t know how to make it work.

So how do you overcome your fears? How do you overcome the messy relational challenges that keep you from the deep connections you long for?