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What’s the Purpose of Life?

April 11, 2021

Topic: Life Change

Because of COVID, a woman was concerned about her 80-year-old father.  So she invited him to stay with her.

One day he asked if he could borrow her newspaper.

“But Dad,” she said.  “This is 2021!  No one uses the newspaper anymore.  Here, use my iPad.”

The father goes away.  And a few minutes later, there’s a loud CRACK sound.  The father returns and he has a huge grin on his face.

“Is everything okay, Dad?  Were you able to work the iPad?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine, the iPad worked great!  That fly never knew what hit him!”

This might seem like an odd way to begin today’s message.  But there’s actually a point. And the point is this:  If you don’t know the purpose of a thing, it can’t reach its potential.  If you don’t know its purpose, you can’t honour it and you’ll likely abuse it.

Just like the father who didn’t know what an iPad was for.  What is the purpose of an iPad?  It helps you do things like surf the internet, watch movies, even preach a sermon.

But can you do any of that if you don’t know its purpose?  Of course not.  Instead you’ll take this beautifully-engineered device and destroy it so you can kill a fly.

If you don’t know the purpose of a thing, it can’t reach its potential.  You can’t honour it and you’ll likely abuse it.

This is true of an iPad, an iPhone or any technology.  Do you know what else this is true of?

It’s also true of your life.

So what is the purpose of life?  If you don’t know your purpose, you can’t reach your potential. You can’t honour your life and you’ll likely abuse it.