June 13, 2021
Series: Discipleship: 4 Perspectives
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Discipleship
Matthew’s take on discipleship is that disciples are close companions of Jesus. In fact, the very heart of discipleships is to stay close to Jesus.
June 6, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Jesus
As disciples of Jesus, you and I are called to bring healing to a hurting world. But what if the person who needs healing is you? What if the person who’s hurting is you?
May 30, 2021
Speaker: Kevin White
Topic: Jesus
God had a plan all the way from the beginning to restore the broken relationships between us and God and us and each other.
May 23, 2021
Speaker: Andrew Lau
Topic: Jesus
We will look at Explore Jesus’ Call to Life Mission: These are spaces for discovering Jesus’ unique callings on our lives.
May 16, 2021
Speaker: Steve Shaw
Topic: Jesus
EMBODY It’s all about putting Jesus commands into practice – it’s about embodying – actually living out – the way of life Jesus has taught us.
May 9, 2021
Speaker: Jeremy Tao
Topic: Jesus
The single most important thing about us is who God says we are in Jesus. Your sense of identity determines how you approach life. Only in Jesus will you find the unconditional love and security that frees you to become the real you.