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Luke Following the Way of the Cross

June 27, 2021

Topic: Discipleship

In Simon Sinek’s book, Start with Why, he underlines the point that our WHY is the one constant that will guide us toward fulfillment in our work and life; the WHY is the purpose, cause or belief that gives clarity and drives every one of us.

Jesus the Liberator embodies God’s kingly rule in restoring all the broken aspects of life in this world – spiritual, psychological, social, intellectual, and physical. Jesus is clear about the WHY  of His mission. Likewise, as Individual disciples and kingdom citizens who follow King Jesus, the most fundamental point about discipleship is to know the WHY.

“The way” to the cross is not a geographical journey – a strict line itinerary from here to there – it is Luke’s creative way to underscore the lesson that following Jesus to the cross is not believing in Him so to get a ticket to heaven but a restoration and renewal of our vocation as image-bearers and Spirit-empowered people of hope and healing.

Following the way of the cross is a way of living that manifests God’s kingdom purposes, values, attitudes, actions, and behaviours; and it’s a journey of life-transformation through suffering for the purpose of restoring whatever is broken in this world.