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Bread of Life

October 4, 2020

Topic: Jesus

In the midst of challenging and uncertain times, where do we look for help to carry us through? At Cornerstone, our Bedrock Statement reminds us to “Fix our eyes on Jesus” (Heb 12:2). We look to him, the creator and redeemer of the world, as our source and salvation.

But who is this Jesus?  In this series we look at various snapshots of Jesus from the book of John. This week, we see Jesus as the “Bread of Life”.  Following the miraculous feeding of thousands of people on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus offers himself as the “Bread of Life” and invites his followers to put their faith in him.  But who is this Jesus and what is this Bread of Life? Can it be that the creator of the universe would offer his own life for the sake of our eternal life? What would such an “eternal” life look like, and even if it were possible, what would it cost us to find it?

These are questions we invite you to consider this week as we once again fix our eyes on Jesus.