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Redirected Focus


Human effort accomplishes nothing.

John 6:63b ‭(NLT‬‬)

The day started with a lectio divina led by Gen based on John 6:58-69. There is just something indescribable about having someone reading scripture aloud while you contemplate.

For more information on Lectio Divina, download this resource

It was helpful to redirect the focus on Whose work was being done (as well as His work that was already accomplished with the cross and resurrection), and allowed a posture of surrender to receive what we needed for the tasks set out for the day.

We had our final day serving coffee and bannock at Next Steps. Because it was “pay day”, the staff informed us that it would likely be a quieter day.  This gave us an opportunity to sit at the tables and have time for more meaningful interactions. I joined a table with two participants, admiring the artwork that was sketched and was given the pieces to keep. There was obvious pride when asked if the artist would sign it which led to a flurry of other sketches that displayed a range from whimsical to majestic. As Josh joined the table, I was able to fully focus on the conversation with the other friend. The Holy Spirit was at work, and we were able to share a meaningful and deep conversation that allowed for encouragement as well as prayer.

While the rest of the team set up the final Play Day for the largest community, I was able to assist in the Family Strengthening Program, where I shadowed the coordinator whose role was to support the rest of the family, while others were receiving counselling. Today, it involved some time in the play room (board games, nerf guns, lightbox shapes) as well as the craft room (paints, craft supplies). It brought me joy to remember how God used the generosity of Cornerstone’s family to raise funds to supply these rooms, and then to see how God continues to use NorthWind to bless vulnerable families in these very rooms! There was some mixed emotions at the end of the day though, as the coordinator would be leaving to serve in another community.

He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:37-38‬ ‭(NLT‬‬)

Once again, we ended a busy day with a delicious meal.  We were treated to ice cream and a trip to the marina where an educational display was being set up for the muted Canada Day celebration. (No fireworks!)